Tuesday, March 17, 2009

lies are part of our broken legal system

  • If you found a website that has lies about you posted, what legal action would you take against the owners of that site and the contributors that give false information? There are statements that I qrm'ed K5CM, yet I have NEVER qrm'ed anyone in my life that was intentional. Also, Then there are outright lies about some "Cease and Desist" order that I have no record of receiving?
    What is that all about??
    Can anyone just post lies and get away with it? [ß Gordon, see a defamation lawyer!]
    Would it be appropriate to post the website and the Name and call sign of the person making the false claims here on QRZ? [ß And, do bears shit in the woods, Gordon?]
    Can you Guess WHO it is?
    He trolls QRZ trying to stir the Pot, yet loves to Threaten Legal action against anyone that confronts him about his actions and motives. I am surprised that QRZ has not banned him already for these actions. [ß Fred LLOYD/QRZ must have more $$$ than brains. He’s very arguably being set up for a lawsuit!]
    I wonder how many here on QRZ have been through this with this guy?
    [ß Many, Gordon. QRZ should ban Brian!]

Gordon N6WK [no friend of mine] in “Lies about you, On a Web site” on QRZ.com 11 Nov ‘07

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