Sunday, August 29, 2010


set things out into int sept so stay tuned

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

(1) The domain name registered by the Respondent is identical or confusingly similar to a trademark or service mark in which the Complainant has rights;
(2) The Respondent has no rights or legitimate interests in respect of the domain name; and
(3) The domain name has been registered and is being used in bad faith.

The Respondent is directed to transfer the domain name to the Complainant.

America Online, Inc. v. Bob SHERIN [W4ASX], like Brian, play “bad faith” games, NAF Findings & Decision 12 Jun ‘02

Was the rig malfunctioning again? No, turned out the ragchew was between two local hams, K3VR & WA3Y, one of whom was also monitoring 146.52 with the volume up… it took a few minutes to figure it all out.

Brian ‘On-the-Rag’ CROW K3VR having ‘Finger Trouble’ in Vol. 4 Iss. 10 in < Oct ‘02

What a show this morning on 14275! Just like the old BARF days on 14313! K3VR with his shitty audio so bassy it sounded like he was inside a drum, claiming to have an inside track with the FCC….

Lloyd N0VFP in “14275 Three Morons” on [“inside” = at the Gettysburg bath-house] 4 Jan ’03

ARRL Field and Regulatory Correspondent Chuck Skolaut, K0BOG…. Interference to running nets and inappropriate language has cropped up on specific frequencies on the 75 and 20 meter phone bands, Skolaut said, and interference problems near 14.275 MHz … are also being monitored.

Dave K7CCC in “ARRL In Action: What Have We Been Up To Lately?” 31 Jan ‘03

Brian, you posted your web address yourself in my last article “village ham radio in the Solomon Islands”.
It invites anyone to take a look. [ß Brian’s signature SOP.]
You changed it to show something about paedophile. [ß N.B. This is Brian’s criminal SOP. See further below.]
You posted your web page for all to see.
Your invitation and that web address is still on the current out going old stories listed in the front of for all to see.
Anyone looking at your reply to that “village ham radio in the Solomon Islands” story is now seeing that story about paedophile on the web address you have directed them to see. [ß Brian’s FRAUDulent & criminal SOP.]
I can’t remove it. You put it there. [ß N.B. Brian is a perverse Hypocrite!]
All I can do now is outline what you did so that people who look at your paedophile story can make some sense of why you would do that. [ß N.B.]
As I said I don’t know why. Your case is good. You don’t need to do this other funny business.


Sam VK2BVS to Brian CROW K3VR in “Iraq - weeks to go - what are hams doing?” On 11 Feb ‘03

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Mr. Hauser ALWAYS uses his "he said/she said" tactic to take the blame or heat off of what he states. [ß Psycho Brian CROW K3VR his frenetic DX LD contributor does something similar, but even more obtusely.] You cannot prove or disprove hearsay, as they say. [ß But you can still sue for innuendo….]

Since Mr. White has already denied ever saying such a remark, we must assume then that Glenn is lying. Therefore HE is solely responsible for the slanderous remark he made.

KHz Cop in “Mr. Housers tactic---“ on 7 May ‘97

· I go back in shortwave listening more than 27 years (I started in 1970...sigh) and Glenn Hauser and his personality/actions/whatever have been controversial ever since I can remember. The more things change and time passes, the more they remain the same. [ß Ditto for Brian.]

Chris Hansen about Glenn HAUSER’s character in “Glenn Hauser” on 8 May ‘97

Brian K3VR wrote:
Do you guys know anyone who has been severely injured as a result of high voltage? [ß No ‘Brain’, it’s perfectly safe to touch the ‘tit’ on top of the final tube, while energized, preferably with a moist finger.]

Brian ‘Radio Expert CROW’ K3VR in “[AMPS] RE: RF Burns” on ~17 Apr ‘99

In keeping with the Flame War theme of this post….
Maybe we can have a contest and try to find which character fits which persona on the list.
Oh and to keep it relevant, didn’t every Medieval Court have its jester?
Brian ‘Joker De CROW’ K3VR playing with personae & engaging in ‘Flame Wars’ on 11 Feb ‘01

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Glenn [HAUSER = Brian’s “single-source” (i.e. his cock) publisher lately of DX LD] went out of his way to defame a man who cannot defend himself and did so with the most vile accusations imaginable ... and did so knowing that he wasn't likely to be called to account for having made them…. [ß SOP also of Brian CROW K3VR. Infra.]

I think Glenn brought this on himself. Even if he believed what he reported (and there seems some room for doubt on that score), he should have known that good taste and the slightest shred of journalistic integrity would mandate that he forego such petulant and venomous outbursts. Unfortunately, Glenn's own impression of his worth and inflated ego are making such pronouncements a more frequent occurrence of late…. [ß Is Glenn also a Narcissist perhaps, just like our Brian CROW?]

The issue here is not the truth, anyway. It is Glenn's judgment and integrity (or rather apparent lack thereof) in taking his patented "offhand cheap shot" at someone now unable to defend himself. Glenn's own dedication in such matters is open to SERIOUS question if only for the reason that he didn't feel compelled to raise it until after his victim was deceased. Now, THAT'S hard hitting, brave journalism, eh?

You know the more those like you say in Glenn's defense the more I am persuaded that the original poster was correct - he may well BE an asshole!

Dan MORISSEAU in “Glenn Hauser: Shortwaves biggest asshole???” on 5 May ‘97