Tuesday, March 31, 2009

k3vr a staker no say it isn't so

Brian, you are a fraud. Go take your website, and your defamation per se, and shove it up your ass.

“Anonymous” [ID’d by Brian as Gordon—but this is unlikely—Gordon ~abhors obscenities] on Rolville USA ~25 Nov ‘07

Did I ever mention that Brian CROW is a serial STALKER, frenetic CYBERPATH, glib SOCIOPATH and possibly even an outright PSYCHOPATH with all that entails? One who occasionally pretends to be a Psychologist/Psychiatrist, sometimes even in writing? All the while in reality patently being an Obsessive-Compulsive and reportedly a PSYCHIATRIC PATIENT with a Multiple-Personality Disorder, among others?

Karol VE7KFM in "Anyone picking up BBC broadcasts” on the Rolville USA Blog ~30 Nov ‘07

Monday, March 30, 2009

HMM when did kb9rqz becoem leftist?

  • As usual, Karol Madera and his band of militant leftist homosexuals prance about the internet defaming innocents. [Brian & Co. are many things, but certainly NOT “innocents”. Note also the typical hyper/homo-sexual diction.]

Brian ‘The Innocent CROW’ K3VR posing as “Sophie” [my Mother’s name] on Rolville USA ~20 Nov ’07

Sunday, March 29, 2009

help for rh

  • Karol VE7KFM IS NOT the problem that Brian Crow K3VR claims. The PROBLEM is in the United States. People such as K3VR, KZ8O (look this retard [then ND8V] up on the FCC EB site), W4NTI, and N1FM. There are other minor players, but not worth mentioning. If Mr Hollingsworth would do his damn job, and solve the problem causing hams listed above, there WOULD BE NO PROBLEM. [This thread was dormant since 17 Apr ’06—until Brian posted his shit.]

“Anonymous” to Brian’s anonymous troll resurrecting the thread in "Anyone picking up BBC broadcasts” on Rolville USA 13 Nov ‘07

Friday, March 27, 2009

crow a problem tastes like chicken

Karol VE7KFM IS NOT the problem that Brian Crow K3VR claims. The PROBLEM is in the United States. People such as K3VR, KZ8O (look this retard [then ND8V] up on the FCC EB site), W4NTI, and N1FM. There are other minor players, but not worth mentioning. If Mr Hollingsworth would do his damn job, and solve the problem causing hams listed above, there WOULD BE NO PROBLEM. [This thread was dormant since 17 Apr ’06—until Brian posted his shit.]

“Anonymous” to Brian’s anonymous troll resurrecting the thread in "Anyone picking up BBC broadcasts” on Rolville USA 13 Nov ‘07

Thursday, March 26, 2009

the oither guy lies

  • I actually started to believe the Lies from The Other Guy [K3VR] that is either in PA or FL. I don't think he [K3VR] even knows where he [K3VR] lives. In either case, he [K3VR] needs to notify the FCC where he [K3VR] actually lives….
    I have since discovered that he
    Lies to promote his cause….
    I am NOT defending anyone. I am stating facts as they are presented.
    [NA4BH] is spinning a tale, you [N1FM/n1sob] obviously are close behind.
    Yes, I once stated that I didn't like Karol's profanity filled Email, but what I didn't like more was a particular person with a "3" call sign
    [K3VR] trying to play me. He [K3VR] also has
    threatened me numerous times [and] I have the Emails to prove what I claim!
    After further research, it was discovered that he
    [K3VR] was and is Far worse than the Canadian could ever be.
    If you
    [N1FM/n1sob] believe the
    Lies this "3" call sign guy [K3VR] tells, you [N1FM/n1sob] are a bigger fool than I could ever imagine.
    I feel sorry for you
    [N1FM/n1sob] in the end!
    In your Quote,
    Are you referring to the Same "Brian" that constantly attacks people here on QRZ and gets away with it? The same "Brian" that threatens people yet claims to be the victim??
    The Same Brian that CLAIMS to be an FCC informant??
    Please, if so, state WHO he [K3VR] is !
    The same "Brain" that Riley was referring to when he mentioned the problems on 275 at Dayton??
    I am Curious as to WHO this person is. Can you
    [N1FM/n1sob] tell us ?
    If you
    [N1FM/n1sob] are going to "Quote" someone, be sure you [N1FM/n1sob] include the source person.

Gordon N6WK [no friend of mine] appears to have caught the ‘pulling punches’ malady in “3930 Trash” on QRZ.com 26 Nov ‘07

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

  • Everything negative about K3VR that's found on Google was placed there by two or three friends of Karol Madera. [The hundreds of direct quotes/citations, above/below/‘out there’, must therefore be from “Outer Space”, eh Tom?]

N1FM giving Brian’s game away—you’re right Tom—just exchange the names, HI… in “3930 Trash” on QRZ.com 27 Nov ‘07

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

info sought on possible child pandering by k3vr

  • 2 people pursued me with the sort of vigor that Dloyd does you: Woger and Crow. [For me: only ‘Psycho’ CROW!]

Lloyd N0VFP to Mark in “The Twisted World of Dloyd/Crow Ranting” on ACCOUNTS OF THE KOSHER HAM 23 Nov ‘07

  • Don't bother trying to name Robeson and Woger. I KNOW what they are up to. I maintain the conviction I have that Dloyd is either Crow or a close associate of Crow…. [~Deciphered.]

Mark KB9RQZ in “Still WANTING Info…” on ACCOUNTS OF THE KOSHER HAM 25 Nov ‘07

gay fatal atraction

  • He makes one claim, [then] withdraws it the next minute, all the while raving [that] if I don't [do] things exactly [as he commands] I am going to prison, or not. I truly wish Dloyd Lavies would stop using a 7 year-old boy (who he occasionally insists does not even exist) as a pawn in [a] gay fatal attraction for me. [Deja vu, Mark, above.]

Mark KB9RQZ deciphered in “The Twisted World of Dloyd/Crow Ranting” on ACCOUNTS OF THE KOSHER HAM 23 Nov ‘07

Monday, March 23, 2009

some thoughts on the child pandering notes from perhaps k3vr himself

  • Admirers like Crow et al. I have heard some of you (not Karol) since propagation has better favored your signals coming to me than Karol's own. What I have heard convinces me… that YOU are in violation of Part 97 and that RH should move to at least fine you heavily if not revoke your licenses. If Karol is bad, YOU are worse, if Karol is OK you are despicable. [If Karol is even marginally better than OK, Brian & Co. are SCUM. ~Deciphered.]

Mark KB9RQZ to Brian K3VR & Co. in “Crow et al. let’s make it plain” on ACCOUNTS OF THE KOSHER HAM 16 Nov ‘07

  • Calls himself Delorean and Dloyd Lavies and no doubt many others, believed to be Ham radio operator K3VR by many accounts, [but] this can not be confirmed at this [time]. Those with knowledge of the true id of "Dloyd Lavies" please contact this blogger to aid in reporting this possible sex offender who boasts of having explicit sexual discussions with a 7 year-old not his own child. [~Deciphered.]

Mark KB9RQZ in “WANTED Info on possible child sex offender” on ACCOUNTS OF THE KOSHER HAM 21 Nov ‘07

  • He makes one claim, [then] withdraws it the next minute, all the while raving [that] if I don't [do] things exactly [as he commands] I am going to prison, or not. I truly wish Dloyd Lavies would stop using a 7 year-old boy (who he occasionally insists does not even exist) as a pawn in [a] gay fatal attraction for me. [Deja vu, Mark, above.]

Mark KB9RQZ deciphered in “The Twisted World of Dloyd/Crow Ranting” on ACCOUNTS OF THE KOSHER HAM 23 Nov ‘07

  • 2 people pursued me with the sort of vigor that Dloyd does you: Woger and Crow. [For me: only ‘Psycho’ CROW!]

Lloyd N0VFP to Mark in “The Twisted World of Dloyd/Crow Ranting” on ACCOUNTS OF THE KOSHER HAM 23 Nov ‘07

  • Don't bother trying to name Robeson and Woger. I KNOW what they are up to. I maintain the conviction I have that Dloyd is either Crow or a close associate of Crow…. [~Deciphered.]

Mark KB9RQZ in “Still WANTING Info…” on ACCOUNTS OF THE KOSHER HAM 25 Nov ‘07

yet another shot

form as the (ham) world turns

My blood is thinned out from Florida and I am going to have to light a fire in the living room to keep the xyl toasty....It's great to be back in New England. Today I am going to hook the ham gear and give a listen to 14275- the hotbed of poor operating activity. It appears the new sheriff in town is talking a big story- she is not going to put up with that shit on 20 meters. I believe Riley said the same thing and nothing happened. A good start would be to permanently close down the Michigan station that has been qrm'ing and playing tapes for years! 14275 used to be kind of entertaining in the days of W2OTK and company, now it is a true embarrassment. It's funny because a lot of the hams that visit the frequency are first class guys that got caught up in the bs....I bet they finally say screw it and find a new frequency and let the clusterfucks stay behind on 14275 and self destruct. I can safely say the FCC enforcement team is not going to fix it.

The reason Riley don't do anything, and I know it hard for some of you ham operators to understand this, but RILEY ALLOWED IT TO HAPPEN!! it was a simple BULLSHIT job by Riley to push the idea that the problem was the Guy from Canada, and those that talk to him. But the truth is the problem are the ham operators in the United States that push the idea that they can push someone off a frequency because they don't like his speech. No sir, Like ALL JACKASS HAM RADIO OPERATOR you were feed a lie, and it's hard for people like YOU to understand that. If Riley WOULD of done something, he would of told those US hams like KZ8O, K3VR, N1GJT, N1FM, W7CPA and others STOP from QRMING that moron in Canada, but no they didn't, in fact YOUR buddy Brian Crow K3VR went to QRZ.COM and claimed it was perfectly legal to malicious interfere with him and other that talk to him. The difference between ASSHOLES like Riley and Smith, she had the fucking balls to say enough is enough...but hey asshole ham operators can't understand the fact the problem isn't Canada, but here in the US.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

qrm ok?

  • The fact that people jam him is understandable….
    If I had a LOT of time on my hands, which I don't,
    I'd spend some time calling CQ on .275 while KFM is on,
    because I can
    null him down to “noise level” with my beam, and therefore wouldn't know the frequency was occupied. [ß Bravo, Steve!]

Steve ‘Incipient Criminal’ WB2WIK/6 in “I am Shocked” on QRZ.com 17 Nov ‘07

Friday, March 20, 2009

rh act lol

  • Today, I was tuning across 20 meters and I came upon a frequency where someone was Saying “QST QST” Visit VE7***.COM over and Over without giving their Call sign. Where is Riley in times like these?
    I turned my beam and definitely noticed that
    the signal was strongest from the South East. [ß FL again?]
    I just listened and recorded without saying a word.
    So, My point is, If you are trying to draw attention to someone that you do NOT like by posting
    [a] Website,
    Why wouldn't you follow the rules and at least give your call sign? [ß Because they’re Criminals, Gordon.]
    Talk about Hypocrites!!
    ß Don’t be shy now, Gordon, expose the Chief Hypocrite: Brian ‘Psycho’ CROW K3VR.]
    I would Love to see Riley step up and make examples of these people that do this stuff!
    ß You’re dreaming!]

Gordon N6WK [no friend of mine] dreaming in technicolour about Riley in his “I am Shocked” on QRZ.com 16 Nov ‘07

Thursday, March 19, 2009


It's a site by a moron for morons and anyone who is shallow enough to believe the first word from the mouth of an individual of that caliber isn't worth wasting your time and getting upset.

Bruce K0HWY about ‘Psycho’ Brian’s fraudulent site, to Gordon in “Lies about you” on QRZ.com 11 Nov ‘07

Likely trying to compensate for the lack of something.… A mature individual should be focusing time and energy primarily on their own life and direction. Now, what could they be compensating for.…

Andrew W4INF to Brian & Co. in “Lies about you” on QRZ.com 11 Nov ‘07

Hmmmm, I wonder WHO informed you of that so quickly? [Are we playing “3 guesses” again, Gordon?]

Gordon N6WK to Bruce K0HWY after the “moron for morons” ‘privately’ wrote him in “Lies about you” on QRZ.com 11 Nov ’07

This appears to be the second time that you have accused someone of "posting lies about you" online. Your last accusation if I remember correctly was posted on QRZ a couple of weeks ago and promptly disappeared. I assume that Karol will have a marvelous read with all this non sense! [‘Someone’ = K3VR.]

Gerry VE7DCW Brian’s Canadian Vancouver Is. stalking toady, prescient in “Lies about you” on QRZ.com 11 Nov ’07

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

lies are part of our broken legal system

  • If you found a website that has lies about you posted, what legal action would you take against the owners of that site and the contributors that give false information? There are statements that I qrm'ed K5CM, yet I have NEVER qrm'ed anyone in my life that was intentional. Also, Then there are outright lies about some "Cease and Desist" order that I have no record of receiving?
    What is that all about??
    Can anyone just post lies and get away with it? [ß Gordon, see a defamation lawyer!]
    Would it be appropriate to post the website and the Name and call sign of the person making the false claims here on QRZ? [ß And, do bears shit in the woods, Gordon?]
    Can you Guess WHO it is?
    He trolls QRZ trying to stir the Pot, yet loves to Threaten Legal action against anyone that confronts him about his actions and motives. I am surprised that QRZ has not banned him already for these actions. [ß Fred LLOYD/QRZ must have more $$$ than brains. He’s very arguably being set up for a lawsuit!]
    I wonder how many here on QRZ have been through this with this guy?
    [ß Many, Gordon. QRZ should ban Brian!]

Gordon N6WK [no friend of mine] in “Lies about you, On a Web site” on QRZ.com 11 Nov ‘07

Monday, March 16, 2009

nx6d from the island

  • I think so-called do-gooders like K3VR are worse than the Canadian. All these dimbulbs do is draw attention to the person they supposedly are trying to get off the air. I never even heard of the VE7 station until Brian Crow started popping off about the guy on qrz. [ß For 2+ years without ‘the other hand clapping’ even once!]
    I think K3VR has a "leader" complex. He wants to be in charge of something. Leading the quixotic charge against the VE7 station gives the little man his jollies I guess. It's unfortunate that so many people get sucked into that kind of orbit, and so much time and energy is wasted on nothing. I believe that there is a segment of ham operators that have nothing better to do with their lives than bitch about someone else's operating habits.
    Guys like K3VR seem to try to get the newbies all fired up…. That's why I think Brian Crow is a bigger bonehead.

Dave NX6D on “need info…on VE7KFM” originally posted by Mark KB9RQZ on hamisland.net 8 Nov ‘07

Sunday, March 15, 2009

more from KB9RQZ

  • I tried leaving the web in 2000. The threats went offline into the real world with email to everyone around till they/he found someone unstable enough to believe an anonymous email and BURN my home, because someone said I was X. My home of those days is a burned-out shell. Those that were getting the harassing [inciting] email are in jail. The [ultimate] perps, who are the same folks now as then, are still at it….
    I thank you for helping to ID the emailer for me. I am comparing notes with Karol and making it clear that I am not attacking him in an email barrage, which he is receiving, trying to provoke him into attacking me in some fashion.
    I am also receiving email from a person or persons trying to convince me that s/he/they are Karol and that Karol is attacking me.
    WRT Karol, I don't know much about his on air actions, since I can't hear him. He is not a big concern one way or the other for me.

Mark KB9RQZ logical but disturbing last comments [~deciphered] in “need info…on VE7KFM” on hamisland.net 7 Nov ‘07

Saturday, March 14, 2009

fed says it all but why then is fred taking his word about w4nti being dead?

  • K3VR is a bait-trolling bastard who gets his kicks out of pissing people off.

Fred LLOYD AA7BQ founder of QRZ [no friend of mine, I assure you and one who knows Brian only too well] e-mail 7 Nov ‘07

Friday, March 13, 2009

ed coments

  • Like your bogus complaint of interference from your station March 23, 2003, where you claimed to be on 14.275 and being QRM'ed, when an actual audio tape proved that your claim was completely baseless?
    Your own communications to the FCC speak volumes.
    Hypocrite, problem child, and falsifier of evidence indeed.

Ed KB3JGU to Brian K3VR in “Amount of QRM” on QRZ.com 5 Nov ‘07

  • I love how these threads have just become pow wows for your buddies to tell each other how great you all are. Nobody cares anymore! But like a fish out of water, Brian needs to flail around for attention to keep himself relevant.

Ed KB3JGU to Brian K3VR in “Amount of QRM” on QRZ.com 5 Nov ‘07

  • I'm quite curious, if you know my claim is bogus, and apparently you’re well versed in who's right and wrong here, then I suggest you file a simple FOIA request for the letter. It does exist. Put up or shut up, my friend. And that sir, is the end. Good night all, you've been a wonderful crowd.

Ed saying GN to Gerry VE7DCW & Brian & his ‘crowd’ in “Amount of QRM” on QRZ.com 5 Nov ’07

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

crow takes on kb9rqz

  • I have just received what claims to [be] a message from this guy. I understand he is NECK deep in some problem on 20m out on the west coast. Apparently someone is trying to drag MY name and call into that mess. I’d like some more data. I have never been able to hear Karol (not tried very much) for the QRM. Accurate and hopefully calm info would be welcomed.

Mark KB9RQZ 1st query in “need info…on VE7KFM” on hamisland.net [ß until then promoted by Brian K3VR] 4 Nov ‘07

  • What has been done, is that someone sent Karol, the real Karol it seems, a number of attacks in my name. Karol was polite if a bit strained (something I can understand) in inquiring if I had been duped into attacking him, etc….
    Defending myself from the torrent of abusive and forged posts and emails made in my name is something I feel I have to do.
    The result of ignoring one round of them was the burning down of my home in Illinois. While the perps are mostly caught and in prison, I still haven't managed to collect from the insurance on the old home.
    The same forces, which do include Karol’s foes as well in many cases, are ramping up the same attacks against me here (I have seen the stuff sent to local cops, etc.), making Karol of all things my de facto ally, although not likely my friend….
    Reading the Karol/anti-Karol stuff seems to have given me a few new insights into those stalking me. Indeed the whole affair may have given me a bead on the last of these stalkers for whom I have no ID and may result in another arrest (or may not). This effort to involve me against Karol may perversely have the effect of aiding Karol against HIS foes, but such things happen.

Mark KB9RQZ very cogent 1st comments [~deciphered] in “need info…on VE7KFM” on hamisland.net 4 Nov ‘07

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

k3vr attacks n9ogl

  • Daugherty should be avoided like the plague….
    Want to hear Todd Daugherty (N9OGL/Omega Radio) in action, listen to this (A complete meltdown on the air)
    You will cringe when you hear it. There are vulgarities. Rants against the FCC. The clip is 2.5 minutes long. Everyone should be warned about this loose cannon.
    More information about N9OGL by those who had to deal with him can be found here:
    www.suckK3VRoff.com ….
    I see he's also a friend of an al qaeda supporter. What a suprise [sic]….
    He's not being targeted because he's a pirate. No one cares. He's being targeted because he's a creep and a moron. [
    ß So why were you posting here? Also, being “a creep and a moron” (IYNSHO) is worse than being a “friend of qaeda”? Thanks, Brian!]

Brian ‘Psycho CROW’ K3VR anonymously on “The PiratesWeek Podcast” 4 Nov ‘07

Monday, March 9, 2009

hmm he lasted till july 08 and may have been forced ou by KB9RQZ

  • I believe I've convinced Riley Hollingsworth to hang around a bit longer. We need him to deal with a few remaining high profile problems in amateur radio. He's going to be around for a long time to come... sorry, Karol. [ß I don’t consider 8 mo. a “long time”, Brian.]

Brian ‘Riley’s FRAUDulent Snitch’ CROW K3VR wishful thinking in DXLD 2 Nov ‘07

Sunday, March 8, 2009

k3vr or dan flase flag

  • This is why "Mothers Against Canada" exists. Some Canadian ham with the call ve7kfm and a really tabloid web site is claiming that the FCC has threatened Todd with loss of license and loss of freedom for illegal short wave broadcasting. There is no corroborating evidence on either the FCC or the ARRL web sites (yet), but ve7kfm either has a scoop at www.suckK3VRoff.com or else has set himself up for a nasty libel suit. [Huhh??? Actually, Psycho’s “New Brunswick” ‘spoof’/droll self-promotion/180 degree phase-shift, stirring shit, again.]

“DeLorean” [Brian ‘PsyOps’ K3VR] in “N9OGL to lose his license and go to prison?” on rec.radio.amateur.misc 30 Oct ‘07

Saturday, March 7, 2009

k3vr on himself

You see, once a group of complainants becomes known as 'problem children' or hypocrites or falsifiers of evidence…the [Authorities] will ignore their complaints. You can't use a witness who has been proven to have no credibility in a Federal [or any other] case. Even MY grandmother knows that!

Brian CROW K3VR subliminally commenting about himself and Ed’s G-Ma in “FCC’s Riley Hollingsworth to Retire” 25 Oct ‘07

Friday, March 6, 2009

qrm illgeal who would have thought it

3/06/09What goes on from the US side on 14.275 is way beyond Legal here in the USA.

Gordon N6WK [no friend of mine] in “bad freq? 14.275” on QRZ.com 21 Oct ’07

The last time I checked the FCC rules, QRM was still illegal.

Ryan ‘Jiggaboo’ N2RJ knows the rules, but his puppeteer, does not, in “Sate of play” on QRZ.com 25 Oct ‘07

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

luke speaks

Karol bothers you people because you allow him to.
We just had a visit by Karol to a forum that I'm a moderator on, and he didn't have to lift a finger to start a big fuss. [On The Island of Misfit Hams—where the fucktards actually FRAUDulently 1st registered ‘as if’ me….]
When you react like this, Karol OWNS you people. Lock, stock, and barrel. The power he wields over you is that which you give him.
He doesn't bother me at all, and apparently, I don't bother him. I even got a mention on his site, but it wasn't in a derogatory manner.
But hey, don't let reason stop you. Karol is more than happy to entertain the mentally challenged people who play into his hands. I find the whole thing extremely entertaining.

Luke AD4MG [neither friend nor enemy] to Brian K3VR and Gerry N1GJT in “bad freq? 14.275” on QRZ.com 21 Oct ’07

Besides, you're only here to stoke the fire. You'll probably spend the next 3 or 4 posts trying to argue with me about this. I call that obsessed. [FYI Luke, they play paddy-cake/take turns posting, so as not to look obsessed, HI.]
He owns you. You can't let it go.

Luke AD4MG laconically addressing Gerry ‘Whacko’ MEL N1GJT in “bad freq? 14.275” on QRZ.com 21 Oct ’07

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

a shot acors the bow I truly hope you are readin brain

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Someone Posted this in a Comment section
This is the actually letter from my understanding, there is rumoured that I wrote the letter, the truth is I had been at work all day, and secondly If either side of this little war thinks that this is "fake" then continue what your doing and see what happens, me I could really careless about 14.275 MHz.



Normally I would not get involved in what on the surface appears to be a "he said/she said" type of dispute. I am not going to comment as to who was on air first on Sunday -- but both sides are advised that I have tapes of the entire afternoon -- and these tapes did not come from either side (at this point I wouldn't trust a single thing given to me by either side -- as both sides have proven to be so intent upon proving that they are "right" and the other side is "wrong" that they will do and say just about anything to further their cause -- however warped that cause may be). I do feel, however, that some guidance is necessary (that and the fact that I have just about reached the end of my rope with all the players in this little drama!).

Randy -- I don't particularly like what Karol says on the air -- but that does not mean that you (or anyone else) has the right to try to drive him off. I have spent hours listening to tapes (hours that I will never get back, mind you!) and to tell you the truth, even if I did have jurisdiction over Karol (which I DO NOT) nothing that I have heard thus far rises to the level of an actionable complaint. For future reference, in determining what is or is not legal over the air, it depends on what he is saying. The FCC regulates obscenity . . . but general cursing and references to body parts (while certainly obnoxious) does not necessarily rise to the level of obscene speech. Likewise, calling the President names and making general anti-American comments (including comments regarding wishing the terrorists would attack us again and the like), while a sure sign of a lack of sensitivity (not to mention maturity), does not rise to the level of obscene or hate speech either.

Indeed, were Karol an American, his speech would fall squarely under the 1st Amendment -- you know that thing many of our forefathers fought and died for (not to mention our troops overseas right now). When you call yourself patriotic, built within that statement is the acceptance of the Constitution and all it entails -- free speech is one of the cornerstones of that fine document. It doesn't mean only the speech YOU agree with; or only the speech that the majority of folks agree with; or even only speech that isn't offensive to most mature, rational adults. It means ALL speech -- the good, the bad, and yes, even the ugly (as Karol is quite often want to spout). (Ok, before you decide to shoot back at me -- yes, there are some types of speech that are restricted. No shouting fire in a crowded theatre or hate speech -- but those are clearly defined by the courts and nothing Karol has said thus far falls into those categories.)

I have requested that Karol tone down his "act" -- (and if you don't get that it is an "act" -- you missed the whole point of his exercise with you and your buddies at 14.275. He is TRYING to incite you -- and succeeding admirably as you all have fallen into the trap.) However, I can promise you that he will/has not responded favorably to my request. He is going to continue the "act" -- and you guys thus far have demonstrated that you are going to continue falling into his trap. What does that say about the cognitive abilities of the Americans as they are all being led around by a master manipulator.

I sure wish we could regulate stupidity -- but it just isn't within the current confines of the rules. If it were, every single one of the actors here would be slapped with a fine just for being stupid/gullible and wasting my time (not to mention the years that Riley wasted trying to bring you guys back in line). What is within the confines of the rules, however is that fact that I can (AND WILL) enforce the rules against any Americans who cause harmful interference to Karol (and any of the folks who elect to engage him in QSOs). Let me repeat that so everyone understands it -- RETALIATORY JAMMING WILL NOT BE TOLERATED AND IS IN VIOLATION OF THE RULES!

I hope you all got my message here -- I have just about had it with the juvenile antics on the part of the American licensees. By the way, playing bulletins and tapes of a deceased licensee repeatedly in an effort to tie up the frequency so that Karol (and others) cannot use it actually does rise to the level of malicious interference -- and is subject to a possible enforcement action. Likewise, I won't even go into the ridiculous sound effects, endless playing of music, and general pre-pubescent behavior that quite a number of folks engage in on a daily basis at 14.275 -- again, all in an attempt to prevent Karol from engaging in QSOs. It needs to stop and needs to stop right now!

Can you tell I'm pissed? If you haven't yet figured it out let me clue you in here -- this behavior either stops now or everyone involved will find themselves on the receiving end of enforcement letters. This is an absolute disgrace -- I know kindergartners that have shown a higher degree of maturity than the whole bunch of you!!


Laura L. Smith, Esq. | 1270 Fairfield Road, Gettysburg, PA 17325 | 717-338-2577 (phone) | 717-338-2574 (fax)

Monday, March 2, 2009

k3vr the "welcoming:

  • That's the kind of BS I'd expect to hear from a fruitcake eating CBer, or a newbie who lives in his grandma's basement. [Bravo “Darkhorse” (Brian’s instructive CB ‘handle’) with his ‘trademark’ snide remarks.]

Brian ‘The Model Amateur’ K3VR taking another swipe at Ed KB3JGU in “bad freq? 14.275” on QRZ.com 21 Oct ’07

  • Ed, you need to find an elmer other than VE7KFM. [Brian mimicking Charlie AG4YO’s quip to Calvin K0DXC above.]

Brian ‘The Helpful HAM’ K3VR’s sarcastic comment in Ed’s “Who has trouble with the 15m trap” on QRZ.com 21 Oct ’07

  • Yes, I'd like very much to help Ed with his problems. From antenna issues, to rules interpretation... and, well, you name it. My door is always open to anyone with a sincere desire for self-improvement.

Brian ‘The Hypocrite’ K3VR’s irrational/off-topic comments in “Who has trouble with the 15m trap” on QRZ.com 21 Oct ’07

Sunday, March 1, 2009

gordo types

  • I have been to 14.275 a few times.

According to my Beam headings, All the Illegal QRM is coming from the East Coast of the USA.

Ironic that some want to blame it on the Canadian, when in fact Riley Knows darn well WHO is doing the QRMing….

Whether it's from PA or Florida, Most people in the know, do know where it is originating.
Oh yea, Don't have a QSO with anyone on 14.275
or else K3VR will post you on his website as Un-American.... Give me a break !

Gordon N6WK [no friend of mine] in “bad freq? 14.275” on QRZ.com 19 Oct ’07

  • Hmmm, Missing post and Then a PM (No Not from a Mod either) Too Funny !! [Can I guess who? ‘Psycho’ Brian!]

Gordon N6WK [no friend of mine] musing in “bad freq? 14.275” on QRZ.com 20 Oct ’07

  • The QRM I hear on 14.275 is hardly just a quick tune up. It is definitely deliberate, and is coming from The East Coast.

Gordon N6WK [no friend of mine] in “bad freq? 14.275” on QRZ.com 20 Oct ’07