Saturday, February 28, 2009

k3vr hears things?

  • Brian, I'm glad you have joined the forum because I have a few questions to ask you.
    Why did you say someone using my call was a
    bootlegger when no one ever used my call on the air?
    Why did you post that fraud on your fraudulent website?
    Why did you post
    misinformation about me concerning the events that occurred on QRZ?
    Are you aware that I requested my information be removed from QRZ?
    Why do you hang out with ex-alcoholics, ex-drug abusers, and serial Part 97 offenders?
    Oh, never mind. I just figured out the answer to all those questions.
    It was hidden in your user name all along.. k3vrDICK
    [ß You forgot—he mostly hangs with mental-defectives….]

Toejoe to Brian on 17 Oct ‘07


Must have gotten a call from a man in Pittsburgh to stir the pot. You know that at least one topic on 275 must be active at all times! hi hi

Ed KB3JGU in “bad freq? 14.275” on 17 Oct ‘07

Friday, February 27, 2009

more feces

Maybe Madera died while shoving his mic up his colon again. [ß You just gave yourself away, Dan….]
I knew one day he'd get it up there too far and kill himself!
Oh happy day! Oh happy day...when Karol dies, ham radio will rise! Bite the big one Miss Madera!

Daniel KC9KOW [Brian CROW K3VR’s ‘fawning faggot friend’] in “Constant Carrier on 14.275” on 24 Sep ‘07

Thursday, February 26, 2009

emails altered and such

  • The very next time you accuse me of threatening you, or otherwise attempt to defame me, for any reason, or, if any of this crap you spewed tonight is republished in Canada, you will hear from my attorney. [It hereby is republished….]

“Brian C” e-mail to Gordon N6WK 30 Aug ‘07

· Y_A_W_N
Stop squeaking you little mouse. It's not a threat Gordy, I'll sue you for libel and I'll own every thing in your miserable hovel. Trust me.

“Brian C” e-mail to Gordon N6WK [after his simple note to Brian not to threaten or e-mail him again] 30 Aug ‘07

  • I tried to warn you that you were treading on thin ice! Now, your beloved thread has been deleted! From this point on, any emails from you will be forwarded directly to my friend Karol just for your pleasure! Do not ever email me again. If you do I will report it as harassment or stalking! I am a subscriber and you are cheap scum. I will have you tossed off and I will post about you every day for your discomfort! You have been warned and the ball is in your court.

Gordon’s purported e-mail to Brian 30 Aug ’07 as recently re-published [as a jpg] by Brian ‘The FRAUDulent CROW’ K3VR

  • I tried to warn you that you were treading on thin Ice! Now, your
    beloved thread has been deleted!
    You did threaten me and you know it. I will NOT stoop to post your
    emails or comments on QRZ or any other place.
    Now, take your vendetta some where else. It is NOT welcome on QRZ.

    Shame on you.
    You are are very disgusting, vindictive individual.
    I actually feel sorry for you.
    Trying to play the role of someone important with the State department
    and the FCC when actually, you are just a little nobody.
    What did the Mob call guys like you ???
    Sorry for you little man.

    >From this point on, any emails from you will be forwarded directly to
    your friend Karol just for your pleasure!

    You must feel proud !

    NOT email me ever again. If you do, I will report it as harassment or
    stalking !

Gordon’s actual e-mail to Brian K3VR 30 Aug ’07 [compare, contrast & consider Brian’s FRAUD—differences are in red]

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

yes still stinks

  • Threads come and go but the stench of this board lingers.

ToeJoe N9PH after “Trash…” & “Official…” threads disparued in “Ever Wonder??” on 30 Aug ‘07

Monday, February 23, 2009

  • K3VR,
    The MAIN problem is right here in the USA. All those Jammers and idiots are the real problem.
    I know you are after KFM as a personal Vendetta, but the truth is
    , your time would be better spent helping to hunt down your fellow hams this side of the border that are creating the QRM and willful interference.
    Now, You'll probably come after me AGAIN for saying this, but
    I have to question anyone that opens a website using someone else's call.
    Oh yeah, please
    do NOT threaten me this time, like the last time….
    BTW, I don't think Riley has the same high opinion of you as YOU claim!!
    So, if you want to make 275 better, start with you and then start listening to your friends and neighbors.
    Once we get all those guys behind bars, we can move on. [ß N.B. ‘Psycho’ Brian CROW K3VR should go 1st.]
    Next, Stop hosting a website using someone else's call sign.
    How would you respond if I hosted a website named K3VR.COM and then just trashed you
    Maybe that is what KFM should consider .... Perhaps.…

Gordon N6WK [no friend of mine] in “Trash on 14.275” on 30 Aug ’07

  • Ok Brian,
    So this is what you want?
    I guess all your
    threatening emails to me are now open to the public too.

    Ladies and gentlemen, Beware.
    Brian Crow will THREATEN you if you say anything against him.
    I have the emails here to prove it!
    At first
    I was lured by his lies and deception which is shown in the email he has quoted, but later, I found that he in fact is the problem.
    Yes, You are a FINE piece of work Brian Crow. And don't you Dare threaten me as you did last time around, then claim, "Oh, I wasn't threatening you, we just have a misunderstanding".

    What an embarrassment to Amateur radio you are Brian Crow!!
    I think Karol is right about you. I have heard
    Even Riley thinks you are a nut case!

Gordon N6WK [no friend of mine] re-learning lessons about ‘Psycho’ in “Trash on 14.275” on 30 Aug ’07

  • Gee, would that be the web page you use with someone else's call?
    What a stand up guy you are !!
    You just be Proud of yourself.
    I have discovered that NO one else is !

Gordon N6WK [no friend of mine] to Brian K3VR after he posted his ‘spoofy’ URL in “Trash on 14.275” on 30 Aug ’07

Sunday, February 22, 2009

you got to listen to hear

  • I called the FCC and asked them to pinpoint my beacon, which they did in under 2 minutes….

Brian K3VR in “Trash on 14.275” on 30 Aug ’07 [so why the 6+ years w/o results re: the jammers on 14.275 ?]

  • I don't hear much on 275 either, until Karol Madera gets on. Then I generally hear him blaming his critics for jamming him. [Was it at s4 or s5—and what about the “only heard…once”—above? Psycho!]

Brian K3VR is the “Trash on 14.275” on 30 Aug ’07

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Ever Wonder?? What makes individuals do this stuff? Anal attitude caused by generations of in-breeding!!

Jack AA9YA’s diagnosis of Brian K3VR & Co., in “Ever Wonder??” on 29 Aug ‘07

Friday, February 20, 2009

k3vr misses the point

  • K3VR - I think you are missing the point. I often disagree with Charlie’s posts and discussion style, but his argument is not supporting those who are banned, but one of if you're not going to allow one side to post then you shouldn't allow the other side to post. That's not supporting either side, but suggesting a generic neutral policy. I think that's pretty clear and you're letting something get in your way of seeing that. [Yes, it’s called Obsessive-Compulsive Mental Disorder.]

Mike KI4NGN in “Ever Wonder??” on 29 Aug ‘07

Thursday, February 19, 2009

email on k3vr

  • Karol,
    Just sitting here reading the latest thread about you on QRZ.
    Isn't it peculiar how Brian loves to talk shit about you on QRZ, knowing that you can't fire back? Talk about a PUSSY! Brian is PUSSY Number One! Keep in mind that more and more good American amateurs are getting wise to the smoke and mirror routine of the fraudulent one…. We do not have to agree with what you say, and this dispute IMO was never about that. It's about Brian deciding for others what they can, or can not hear. Like one other person said, let us decide for ourselves if we wish to hear the message you send.

“Bean Picker” cogent unsolicited e-mail 28 Aug ‘07

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

k3vr does focus on feces

  • I'm confused. First, he's dead, then the patient wiggles his toes. Then he's really dead, only to open his eyes.
    I think it's time for a new "doctor", a new "spin doctor". [ß This, after Brian’s N* ‘spinning’ about my demise.]

ToeJoe N9PH on VE7KFM’s ‘health’ in “The Official VE7KFM and K1MAN Thread” on 28 Aug ‘07

  • We need a mental health professional on this board. Doesn't this fixation on feces stem from "potty training issues"? Maybe some posters need to be "regressed" and go through potty training again. It couldn't hurt.

ToeJoe N9PH ~addressing Brian K3VR’s repeated & patent ‘fecal fixation’ on “Trash on 14.275” on 28 Aug ‘07

Monday, February 16, 2009

k3vr obcessively counts threads

  • Dating from 2002, there are sixty different open topics mentioning VE7KFM. [ß How many secret ones were there?]
    I started four of the sixty topics;
    ß Not true. False modesty does not become Brian. FRAUD does….]
    one of VE7KFM's friends (now banned) posted one; and N9PH
    ß Since also banned.] posted several more.
    As of today, the open topics have been viewed over 200,000 times.
    ß Nice round, if still very curious number….]
    One-hundred-thirty-one open topics mention K1MAN.
    I stopped counting the number of times those topics were viewed when I reached 500,000.
    ß Ditto, above.]
    K1MAN was discussed extensively in AA7BQ's nine page thread, which was viewed 36,860 times.
    ß A mere trifle! In “VE7KFM is on” I was discussed in 24 pages—and nearly 100 times by Brian personally, without any retort! Bravo!]

Brian ‘Obsessed CROW’ K3VR in “The Official VE7KFM and K1MAN Thread” on 28 Aug ‘07

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Gee folks. You all can do better than this. Plenty of opinion when the subject was obfuscated, but now that it's out in the open.... Whasssup? [Obfuscated = Brian’s BULLshit Baffles Brains.]….
Let's go guys! It's kfm and MAN we're talking about...go ahead and bash, bash, bash!

An exasperated Charlie AG4YO in his “The Official VE7KFM and K1MAN Thread” on 28 Aug ‘07

Saturday, February 14, 2009

nuff said

Again, I don't understand individuals like these, but I don't pretend to be a psychologist either.

Chris W0BKR ~addressing Brian ‘Psycho CROW’ K3VR in “Ever Wonder??” on 28 Aug ’07

Friday, February 13, 2009

k3vr shows how he welomes new ham

  • Junior, why don't you crawl back down to the cellar and write another email to your Unkle [sic] Karol?

Brian K3VR belittling Ed a ~‘newbie’, after he posted only ~20 innocuous words in “Ever Wonder??” on 27 Aug ‘07

Thursday, February 12, 2009

back and forth

  • Having said that, don't mistake my advice to you. I don't really believe that anyone cares about your opinion one way or the other Charlie.

A sarcastic Brian ‘The Fraudulent Saint’ K3VR in “Ever Wonder??” on 27 Aug ‘07

  • As I have politely reminded you, the issue is dragging "on the air" arguments on QRZ.COM. My opinion on this thread (given Terry's ruling) adds that people should know the players if they're going to read this. It should give them an idea of what motivates the discussion.

A persistent Charlie AG4YO still trying to convince ‘Psycho’ Brian K3VR in “Ever Wonder??” on 27 Aug ‘07

  • Charlie… I hope you'll consider my advice to stop belittling newcomers…. Picking on others even in jest is no way to build cameraderie [sic] in the service. Likewise, sabotaging other people's interests and discussions is no way to make friends, here, or on the air. [Hypocrite!!!]

Brian ‘Psycho’ K3VR in “Ever Wonder??” on 27 Aug ’07 [but see the next—‘do as I say, not as I do’, Brian.]

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

fair is fair but fair is not qrz

  • Brian, My point was simple. In light of what Terry said, if you're going to listen on the air and then comment here, do your homework and associate the calls on the air with the opinions here. And as I said in the other thread, you want a fight that I don't care to give you…. In fact your last post is an example to others of what will happen to them if they dare to voice an opinion, even a neutral one. Which is why I started the other thread [Immediately above.] to begin with.… Just be aware that one may agree that a problem exists without agreeing on the solution you have chosen to remedy it. [Emphasis, then in bold, was in the original.]

Charlie AG4YO again trying to be reasonable with Brian ‘Psycho’ CROW K3VR in “Ever Wonder??” on 27 Aug ‘07

  • Actually my advice was to give neither side a "board". My suggestion was that if this argument is to be presented on QRZ.COM we should hear both sides, or no side. The moderators disagree. So be it. Given that, I believe those that read these pages should be aware of who has a dog in this hunt or not and how that effects what is posted here.

Charlie AG4YO remembering his civics class in “Ever Wonder??” on 27 Aug ‘07

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

call a spade a spade

  • Many threads have skirted the subject, but in the light of recent events, let’s call a spade a spade. At least the reader will know what the real subject is when he reads this. [I/in Canada we call it a “fucking shovel”.]

An exasperated Charlie AG4YO starting “The Official VE7KFM and K1MAN Thread” on 27 Aug ‘07

Monday, February 9, 2009 the fair site

  • First someone deletes my posts, then they lock the thread. Just when we were having so much fun. I love all amateurs, and if you want to hear lots of them all at once, 14275 is the place to be.

ToeJoe N9PH in his “Hey, NO FAIR.....” on 26 Aug ’07

Sunday, February 8, 2009


I see that I have made the misguided minion list on the website that uses KFM's (the Amateur of the Year for 2007) call in its name. This is all so strange. Apparently the definition of minion has morphed very recently. The new definition must be something like..."a person believing in due process under all applicable that doesn't believe two wrongs makes a that doesn't believe hurting others as collateral damage is good for the hobby…and one that doesn't believe in any form of bullying, on or off the air." Ok, you've got me. I'm a minion.

Joe N9PH having fun in his “Misguided Minions.....R US” on 26 Aug ’07

Keep that obsession going guys. Pharmaceutical science has developed some very good Obsessive Compulsive medication over the last ten years or so.
Tom KC0W in “Misguided Minions.....R US” on 26 Aug ‘07
  • I guess what torqued me this morning was the fellow [N1GJT] saying to a new ham that they were not "allowed" to speak to you. I could not take it anymore and said what the hell is with that? No one has the right or authority to tell anyone who they can or cannot speak to on amateur radio with the exception of perhaps a pirate station. I'm sorry but saying that a newbie ham was not authorized or allowed to speak to your station was incredible. I am ashamed for the behavior and the way that you have been treated. I thought about this again today while I was working in the yard…. I most certainly can understand why you are angry, as it did not take much for me to flip this morning. And no I don't believe that you were going to blow up Gerry even if he said you were, even if he considers that a terrorist threat. I thought about that one as well. If you were a terrorist you sure wouldn't get on 14.275 and make yourself known or announce it. That makes no sense either. I didn't go read the web link you referred to but we in the U.S. need to do some good old self policing and create a ground swell to clean this mess up…. When I listen to 14.275 I do think I've entered the Twilight Zone (if you remember the T.V. series by Rod Serling). I wish you well Karol.

Private e-mail from a Dr. in MN on 25 Aug ‘07

Friday, February 6, 2009

censorship is still bad

  • Knowing or not knowing my call does not change the fact that certain US hams are part of the problem, not part of the solution.

Mike95874 making a point in “Self-appointed, sensors of amateur radio” on 23 Aug ’07

  • There is ZERO justification for jamming another ham, regardless of that ham's behavior. None at all. Not even in an emergency. And it definitely is exactly like some of the CB channels, where the only activity is jamming.

Ed W5HTW’s principled post in “Self-appointed, sensors of amateur radio” on 23 Aug ’07

  • It's an on the air problem, that is being kept alive by a handful of US amateurs.

Mike95874 telling it like it is, in “Self-appointed, sensors of amateur radio” on 23 Aug ’07

Thursday, February 5, 2009

censorhsip is truly unamerican

Who appointed K3VR, KZ8O, W4NTI, and the rest of that little group, censors of amateur radio? Don’t like what K1MAN, VE7KFM have to say? Do as Mr. Hollingsworth has said. Use the big knob. You have NO RIGHT to decide if we do, or do not care to listen to the transmission. Or do you feel that most amateurs are not capable of making that decision for themselves? Continuing to jam the transmissions of the said stations only adds fuel to the fire. The jammers/QRM’ers are part of the problem, not part of the solution. I'm betting and counting that Mr. Hollingsworth takes the entire bunch (US amateurs) down. It'll be a good riddance. And Brian K3VR, I feel sure you’re going respond and whine about me not using my call as a login. Fine. I’m following Fred’s rules, not yours. But it seems like anyone who doesn’t agree with YOUR opinion ends up on your silly little website, dedicated to VE7KFM. So I guess you can begin to dedicate a section to Mike95874.

Mike95874 opening salvo in his very effective “Self-appointed, sensors of amateur radio” on 23 Aug ’07

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

interestng if you are not with k3vr yu are against him paranoid fool

  • Gee Brian, I am asking a simple question and it seems you're trying to pick a fight I'm really not interested in having. I believe I worded my original post politely not to take sides. You obviously have a dog in this hunt I don't have.

Charlie AG4YO’s reasonable post in his “Threads About Infamous Amateurs…” on 22 Aug ’07

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


  • Not sure what this has to do with six meters [ß Neither do I, Steve. So, why did you post your FALSE drivel?], but since it's been going around [ß Going around? Is that like rumour? And, do you also squat to pee?]:

    FCC has no jurisdiction over VE7KFM [ß Wow! Tell us something we don’t know!], who is the primary instigator [ß Sure he is, Steve! Stop over-using that other blood-intensive organ on your long-suffering wife (and possibly others) and allow your brain to have its miniscule share, imbécile!]
    If I had the time, I'd pay him a personal visit, though. [ß Come on by, Puke, preferably with your biggest-titted daughter in tow….]
    Maybe some others here do have the time. His address is:

    Karol Florian Madera

    [Brian’s stalking address deleted]

    Good luck!


Steve ‘Imbécile’ KATZ WB2WIK in “RE: [SixClub] 14.275” 22 Aug ‘07

Monday, February 2, 2009

contary coments

  • This is K1MAN and his BUDDY... thats [sic] who is making all this stink. [ß Very wrong, Richard! K1MAN had been hors de combat on 14.275 since ~the end of 2005. And, he’s NOT my buddy! Listen to the freq. more often and to Psycho Brian K3VR’s doctored WWW audio clips less….]

Richard W5TFW in “14.275/VE7KFM/K1MAN” 22 Aug ‘07

  • VE7KFM is within his rights to be on the airwaves... he has a right to his opinions as we all do, whether we agree or disagree with him.

    K1MAN also has the right to be on the bands.…

    To take another tack on this problem, "IF" these gentlemen ARE in fact behaving in a rude or disagreeable manner, then yes, fine or penalize them.… IMHO, the Hams who jam, harass or otherwise interfere sort of "fan the flames". Thus in reality are they then in effect not as much to blame as the two Hams targeted? This uncouth activity on the part of the interfering Hams must end. If the harassment ceases, then perhaps VE7KFM and K1MAN will also take note and try to work within the systems of the two countries and all this silliness will end. (I sincerely hope so at least.)

    Anyone who seeks to better Amateur Radio should be praised and supported. Those who thumb their noses at the system SHOULD be fined and punished or banned accordingly. This goes for all involved...

    Just as a side note here... I have had several very nice QSO's w/ VE7KFM. I have found him to be a very cordial and nice gentleman. I horbour him nor K1MAN any ill will….

    To those who choose to show their disdain by QRM'ing a QSO or re-broadcasting foul language for seemingly hours on end... please get a life. Stop acting and reacting like children! Common sense and a due respect for your fellow Amateur is the way to go.

John KD5SRW Producer/Ctl Op of 1520 AM KOKC a 50Kw station in “14.275/VE7KFM/K1MAN” 22 Aug ‘07

Sunday, February 1, 2009

amazing the way k3vr knows so much about gay porn

If you can believe this, someone has gotten into a gay porn site and used my email address. I've gotten over 100 of these activation emails asking me to click here to activate my account. Very strange. Who would do that? And the weird thing is...I'm not even gay.... [Again, three guesses and again, the 1st two don’t count.]

ToeJoe N9PH in “K1MAN and N9OGL…” on 20 Aug ‘07

  • Does anyone here know of any openly gay amateurs that frequent this website? Believe me, I'm OK with whatever people want to do, but I'm thinking I might be able to track down who spammed my email account if I started from a list slightly smaller than the universe. [Does quasi-openly gay count? Then try Brian CROW K3VR.]

ToeJoe N9PH in “K1MAN and N9OGL…” on 20 Aug ’07

  • When my email account got spammed with all these gay porn sites, even my feeble brain asked who would know about all of these? And, perhaps more importantly, who has been reading my threads on QRZ that also has this interest. I imagine that you can find these pages pretty easily, but for some reason I don't think many hetero men would be comfortable googling for gay porn. Anyway, so I'm reading along through the Canadian's website and I discover that this tactic has been used before, but towards another person via a slightly different medium, but the same, nevertheless. This is where it gets interesting. What do you think I would find if I looked at the intersection of those two sets of people? [Probably a sub-set of one—hiding on the outskirts of Pittsburgh, PA]

ToeJoe N9PH to Bob NA4BH [Brian’s buffoon/toady] in “K1MAN and N9OGL…” on 20 Aug ‘07