- Not sure what this has to do with six meters [ß Neither do I, Steve. So, why did you post your FALSE drivel?], but since it's been going around [ß Going around? Is that like rumour? And, do you also squat to pee?]:
FCC has no jurisdiction over VE7KFM [ß Wow! Tell us something we don’t know!], who is the primary instigator [ß Sure he is, Steve! Stop over-using that other blood-intensive organ on your long-suffering wife (and possibly others) and allow your brain to have its miniscule share, imbécile!]
If I had the time, I'd pay him a personal visit, though. [ß Come on by, Puke, preferably with your biggest-titted daughter in tow….]
Maybe some others here do have the time. His address is:
Karol Florian Madera
[Brian’s stalking address deleted]
Good luck!
Steve ‘Imbécile’ KATZ WB2WIK in “RE: [SixClub] 14.275” 22 Aug ‘07
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