Thursday, February 12, 2009

back and forth

  • Having said that, don't mistake my advice to you. I don't really believe that anyone cares about your opinion one way or the other Charlie.

A sarcastic Brian ‘The Fraudulent Saint’ K3VR in “Ever Wonder??” on 27 Aug ‘07

  • As I have politely reminded you, the issue is dragging "on the air" arguments on QRZ.COM. My opinion on this thread (given Terry's ruling) adds that people should know the players if they're going to read this. It should give them an idea of what motivates the discussion.

A persistent Charlie AG4YO still trying to convince ‘Psycho’ Brian K3VR in “Ever Wonder??” on 27 Aug ‘07

  • Charlie… I hope you'll consider my advice to stop belittling newcomers…. Picking on others even in jest is no way to build cameraderie [sic] in the service. Likewise, sabotaging other people's interests and discussions is no way to make friends, here, or on the air. [Hypocrite!!!]

Brian ‘Psycho’ K3VR in “Ever Wonder??” on 27 Aug ’07 [but see the next—‘do as I say, not as I do’, Brian.]

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