Sunday, January 18, 2009

a lie?

You are the biggest liar on QRZ, Brian. It's amazing you haven't been banned from posting here yet with the amount of crap you've said over the past 3+ years about various people.. a lot of it untrue. You are the one who is the problem, constantly feeding the problem with your INCESSANT posts and rants not only here but through several other forums. I may not know squat, but I know a liar and a fraud when I see one, and you fit the bill nicely.
Edit: Newest post is a real winner, Brian. Call people names, then turn around and act like you're sweet as pie. Split personalities, sir? [ß For some reason this last quip seems to have hit a raw nerve with ‘Psycho Brian’ K3VR….]

Ed KB3JGU seminal post in Calvin’s “Unidentified Bleeps, Wreaking Havoc Everywhere” on 25 Jun ’07

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