Thursday, January 15, 2009

crow on crow

  • Apparently Tolassi objects to a website where I host recordings of an anti-American Canadian (Karol Madera)….

    witnesses reported to me that Mr. Tolassi made threats against my life….
    Last Friday, Tolassi contacted two
    psychologists who are colleagues of mine in Pennsylvania….
    Yesterday, Tolassi said, “
    I am going to mail Brian Crow a box of spiders.
    Most of my friends know that I am highly allergic to insect/spider bites.
    He also said, “I am going to hack into Brian Crow’s website” causing it to crash.
    According to my friends in the police department, this kind of speech constitutes terroristic threats. [ß And Jesus wept!!!]

    Tolassi is apparently doing this in defense of someone named Karol Madera…. [ß Sic]

Brian ‘Psycho’ CROW K3VR trying to snooker the Barre, VT Police Chief [Cc Riley] 30 Apr ‘07

  • Dear Riley,

    Could you also add malicious libel to my complaint against David Tolassi?

    Brian Crow, K3VR

Brian ‘Chief Libeler’ CROW trying to ‘wind up’ feeble-minded Riley against David WA1BHV 4 May ‘07

  • Dear Chief,

    Pursuant to my previous email, David J. Tolassi has contacted a
    female Psychologist in my office suite… making disparaging, harassing comments about me. In addition, Tolassi is using a public internet forum for the purpose of harassment and defamation. So far, he’s been recorded using the radio in his home, saying he intends to crash my website; hire hit men to take care of me; mail me a box of spiders; finally, Tolassi writes that I have a mental illness and that I’m on heavy medication. At a minimum this behavior seems to constitute disturbing the peace. [ß Is that anything like your “shit disturbing”, Brian?]

Brian ‘Pot/Kettle/Black’ K3VR to Barre PD titled “ATTENTION CHIEF – Complaint #2” [Cc Riley] 5 May ‘08

  • Karol Madera, at approximately 5:30 EST, in conversation with Tolassi, said he would like to impale me (rectally) with a roughly sharpened pole. He told Tolassi that he needed to make Crow pie. Failing that, Madera said he was going to turn “anti-American.” Tolassi referred to Madera as his Oracle. The conversation was highly threatening, as usual. [ß Of course it was, Brian.]

Brian ‘Snitch’ K3VR ‘sucking’ e-mail to Riley titled “Tolassi Report #3” [Cc Barre Chief of Police] 7 May ‘08

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