Monday, November 1, 2010

Here is the PERFECT example of liberal hypocrisy.
Karol Mandera [sic] is a shortwave "ham broadcaster" from Vancouver, BC. He IS a Bush-hating socialist in EVERY aspect of the word!…
Please visit this website for unaltered and unedited spewing of one of the most hate-filled men of our time:
And as a U.S. citizen whose grandparents emigrated from Canada, I am ashamed that this man calls himself "Radio Canada". [As a CDN, I’m ashamed to share the continent with US mental defectives like you.]
His rantings are heard worldwide on shortwave "ham" radio on 14.275 MHz upper sideband.
Thank you.
Willie [Hyperbole anyone?]

“Willie” a.k.a. Brian ‘Wanker CROW’ K3VR playing with his ‘Willie’ in “Liberal Hypocrisy!” on 31 Dec ‘06

If any of it is true he sounds more like a current day conservative. Everything that is on that site points to this guy being a stand up Bushite variety of a republican. One question I might ask is if you don't like his radio show why do you listen so much? You seem to know an awful lot about him. What is *your* connection?

“Tea Todeler” taking “Willie” posting from press— to task in “Liberal Hypocrisy!” 31 Dec ‘06

"Ham radio"????
The Artist/Muse and I are laughing so hard there are tears coming from our eyes.
I always wanted to know to what depths conservatives would go.
Got our answer.
Hey, do you have a cite for a dot-dash commie???
“robw” dressing Brian ‘Moron CROW’ K3VR down in “Liberal Hypocrisy!” 1 Jan ‘07

I was thinking about what would be the dumbest conservative post on this ng this year. This moron might have slipped in under the wire.

“robw” again/still praising Brian ‘The Moron’ K3VR in “Liberal Hypocrisy!” 1 Jan ‘07

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