Friday, October 1, 2010

This is a true story. [ß We know, Brian. But is the story true?] I corresponded with Senator Schneider about this myself. However, I doubt the Maine Senate will actually do anything about censuring Baxter, or creating a law preventing people from using Legislative sentiments in advertising. [ß So why the inflammatory title & commentary from afar as “Matthew GRAVES” on Southgate?]

Psycho K3VR in his ‘Maine Senator Considers Scratching Her Cunt…’ on 18 Nov ‘05

I can tell you that Brian is one hell of a genius in psychology [sic], rendering my psychological musings child's play. You are certainly right when you say he sets up institutes and pseudonyms [sic], but don't many of us? [ß Actually Boob, No. “Normal” people don’t operate behind FRAUDulent/fictitious “institutes” and multiple pseudonyms.]

‘Bi-Polar Boob’ W4ASX playing psychologist/psychiatrist, e-mail to Glenn K1MAN cc K3VR 18 Nov ’05

We live in a openly depraved society where everyone "acts" shocked at something "they" don't agree with. You have Howard Stern on the air, satellite or otherwise getting big PR and he is nothing but the epitome of depravity yet millions celebrate him. So how can this silly little topic even be read with a hint of seriousness to it.

Glenn Baxter pisses people off and some hams [K3VR] want him dead. Look in your on back yard, clean it up and then come back and bitch, until then, you're all wind bags. [This is another inflammatory title, commentary & posts from afar as “Matthew GRAVES” on Southgate.]

Curt K3EY in Brian’s “Glenn Baxter, ex-K1MAN Asked to Apologize for Racial Slurs” on 10 Dec ‘05

What Does Baxter Think? [ß After my critique that even Glenn may not know, changed to “What Does Baxter Say?” HI.]

Brian ‘Clairvoyant CROW’ K3VR in “Glenn Baxter k1man” on ~mid-Dec ‘05

Madera can often be heard on 14.275 mHz offering anyone and everyone an essay which attempts to explain his various unsubstantiated conspiracy theories. [ß OK…. If they were substantiated, Brian, they would NOT be theories!]

Brian ‘Dimmi CROW’ K3VR in “Glenn Baxter k1man” on ~mid-Dec ‘05

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