Monday, October 11, 2010

Anybody know Karol Madera who lives on [stalking address deleted]? I heard a couple of guys on ham radio say Karol has a filthy mouth and they gave out a link to this website. Supposedly Karol made threats against the U.S. Ambassador, and he also was talking about using sniper rifles and calling himself al qaeda control!

“Ham Radio Dude” from Penn PA [a.k.a. ‘Psycho Brian’ K3VR] trolling in “On Victoria” 22 Feb ‘06

Brian – K3VR - get info on reporting interference, radio mods, emergency preparedness and much more.

Brian ‘Stazi’ CROW K3VR in “The AM Window: Stuff: AMers on the Web” [ß not to be confused with on-air] < 26 Feb ‘06

BRIAN CROW K3VR today on QRZ proved N9OGL’s point after N9OGL stated that the K1MAN ISSUE is a personal vendetta and anyone who disagreed with it are "supporters" of K1MAN. I wonder if the FCC knows that THESE ham radio operators are using them as a tool for a personal vendetta. Let's get fucking something straight here, I agree with a few things that Glenn says, but I also believe what I believe and FYI Brian, as for me and the fucking FCC I have the fucking right to criticize them, so fuck you and your fuck little group. [Bravo, Todd!]

Todd Daugherty in “BRIAN CROW K3VR HAS PROVEN N9OGL POINT” on N9OGL’s BLOG 31 Mar ‘06

It proves my point that you, Brian Crow, and all the other morons have a personal vendetta against people who don't see their [point of] view. Hell, Brian proved it on QRZ when he attacked me. What this shows and I HOPE the FCC is watching, is how vindictive these people are, and that their petition to deny K1MAN license be DENIED, on the grounds that they not only have a personal grudge against K1MAN, but [also] those who question the system. I'm going to write the FCC and have them DENY that petition and show evidence that these people are using a Federal funding agency to remove a person they don't like and … are in the process of doing the same-thing to those who either side with K1MAN or question the clarity of the rules and the final order. I'm also going to write members of the House and Senate subcommittee on telecommunication and present the same information and that these amateur operators are using a taxpayers’ funded agency for their own personal grudges and for personal vendettas. So go tell your Buddy Crow [K3VR]… they REALLY FUCKED with the wrong person when they started attacking me.

Todd N9OGL in “New from the Voice of Amateur Radio” on 3 Apr ‘06

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