The worst LIDS from the old 313 days have gravitated to 14.275 in order to help VE7KFM ruin the frequency. [ß Huhh? By QRM’ing HIM?]
Brian ‘180 Degrees Reversed’ CROW K3VR in “VE7KFM on 14.275” on 29 Nov ‘06
· Brian, I have been to your VE7KFM website. How many of the tapes that YOU publish are true tapes? The tapes YOU say are true are washed and edited! If VE7KFM is that bad then why are not YOU (K3VR), W7CPA, W4NTI and others just as bad for BREAKING FEDERAL LAW! When YOU do no wrong you will be more than welcome to CAST THE FIRST STONE!
Whitney KA3TKZ in “Liar” on “Do I Win a British “Islamophobia Award”?” © Dr. Daniel PIPES 29 Nov ‘06
VE7KFM joined the K1MAN show on late in 2005. He first attracted my attention when he physically threatened the US Ambassador to Canada. [ß Sure he did…. But only if your re-define “physically” and “threatened” IAW your psycho mind.] I've been the object of his devoted affection ever since. [ß Projecting again/still, Brian?] By the way, Radio Canada International's lawyers have been in touch with Industry Canada about Madera's using their trademarked ID. [ß Sure they were, Brian. That’s why I’m still waiting for their 1st ‘Cease & Desist’ letter, never mind their last.] I think the FCC has all but given up on working with the Victoria Office of Industry Canada because Jim Laursen forgot his brain when he left for work one day, and now he can't remember where it is. [ß Brian’s actually projecting again/referring to ‘Rot’ Riley, who “temporarily” lost his mind, because of low blood supply, after being ‘sucked off’ by Brian for years.]
Brian ‘Riley’s Cock-Sucker’ CROW K3VR in “VE7KFM on 14.275” on 4 Dec ‘06
I will gladly go on record here and now and admit that I have often deliberately talked over VE7KFM and I will continue to do so. [ß Underlining in the original.]
Brian ‘Criminal CROW’ K3VR to Jon K1TP on his ATWT website ~30 Dec ‘06
Please visit this website for unaltered and unedited spewing of one of the most hate-filled men of our time:
press— in “Canadian breaking hate speech laws!” 30 Dec ’06 [N.B. verbatim in next
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
This Bond is another dreamy dish I'd like to wrap my arms around and snuggle with. His eyes make me feel all tingly and warm inside!! More, more, more! [ß Susannah, get tested for STD’s & HIV/Aids.]
Brian ‘Closet Faggot CROW’ K3VR posting as “Karol Madera” on “Daniel Craig makes his 007 debut…” 18 Nov ‘06
Submitted by Jean Lacroix (Japan) [ß Origin disclosed by Dr. PIPES after he realized that he had been ‘had’ by Brian!]
Bonjour Daniel, [ß Brian’s typical fawning familiarity breeds contempt, Dr. PIPES. You shouldn’t allow it.]
Thank you for bringing light to the matière. [ß Brian: Le propre mot ici est “subjet”, imbécile….]
All the best from France. [ß But, but… you sent it via Japan…. What gives, Brian?]
Jean Gilbert Lacroix [ß ‘Spoof’ on the then Commandant RMC, whence he got a serious rebuff on 17 Nov ’06 [ß NB]
Paris [ß Paris, France—or was that Paris, Ontario—or Paris, Japan?]
Brian ‘Psycho Mimic’ CROW K3VR’s attempted revenge on a General [!] in “Islamophobe” on 18 Nov ’06 [ß NB]
KFM has a report? That's hilarious! Call Riley Hollingsworth and he'll tell you point blank that KFM is the problem on 14.275! [ß Proof that sucking cock is bad for mental health.]
Brian K3VR to Bill N1RIK in “Rampant Rules Violations on 14.275” on 20 Nov ‘06
Telemarketers deserve to have their teeth blown out
and down forcefully thru their assholes by AlQuaada.
(thank you Karl for the inspiration for this message! VE7KFM rules
‘butterballs 9134’ in “kookathon” on the 26 Nov ‘06
Brian ‘Closet Faggot CROW’ K3VR posting as “Karol Madera” on “Daniel Craig makes his 007 debut…” 18 Nov ‘06
Submitted by Jean Lacroix (Japan) [ß Origin disclosed by Dr. PIPES after he realized that he had been ‘had’ by Brian!]
Bonjour Daniel, [ß Brian’s typical fawning familiarity breeds contempt, Dr. PIPES. You shouldn’t allow it.]
Thank you for bringing light to the matière. [ß Brian: Le propre mot ici est “subjet”, imbécile….]
All the best from France. [ß But, but… you sent it via Japan…. What gives, Brian?]
Jean Gilbert Lacroix [ß ‘Spoof’ on the then Commandant RMC, whence he got a serious rebuff on 17 Nov ’06 [ß NB]
Paris [ß Paris, France—or was that Paris, Ontario—or Paris, Japan?]
Brian ‘Psycho Mimic’ CROW K3VR’s attempted revenge on a General [!] in “Islamophobe” on 18 Nov ’06 [ß NB]
KFM has a report? That's hilarious! Call Riley Hollingsworth and he'll tell you point blank that KFM is the problem on 14.275! [ß Proof that sucking cock is bad for mental health.]
Brian K3VR to Bill N1RIK in “Rampant Rules Violations on 14.275” on 20 Nov ‘06
Telemarketers deserve to have their teeth blown out
and down forcefully thru their assholes by AlQuaada.
(thank you Karl for the inspiration for this message! VE7KFM rules
‘butterballs 9134’ in “kookathon” on the 26 Nov ‘06
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
If anyone is interested, here are Karol's (VE7KFM) web site and his essay about the 20 meter fiasco. I found it interesting. We only hear one side on QRZ [as shilled by ‘Psycho’ Brian CROW K3VR], so take a look at it. I am NOT taking sides on this, but still found it interesting.
Joe W1SK a former Administrative Law Judge [ALJ] refreshingly in “KG6IRO Vs. K1MAN” on 8 Nov ‘06
KFM's just another turd in the punch bowl.
Brian ‘Anal Retentive’ CROW K3VR’s potty obsession in “VE7KFM on 14.275” on 13 Nov ‘06
.275 was a jam-fest yesterday, and there were a couple of foreign-language [Polish] speaking ops on .273 today who were incessantly jammed by a tape of 'KFM saying “Al Qaeda, Al Qaeda, Al Qaeda...revolution, revolution, revolution!”
This went on for a couple of hours - until the band began to fold.
No hint of Karol on the frequency, though ...
John N8YX telling it like it is, despite ‘Psycho’ Brian’s ‘noise’, in “VE7KFM on 14.275” on 13 Nov ‘06
I did listened to him for a while some time back a day or two....
This dude don’t actually SOUND to be all THAT bad (have heard worse locally on 11 meters THIS decade ) why give him such a rough time?
If this thread died from non - use, he might slowly fade out from loss of audience.
Bob AI4EP a newbie gets it, but through a glass, darkly in “VE7KFM on 14.275” on 13 Nov ‘06
Joe W1SK a former Administrative Law Judge [ALJ] refreshingly in “KG6IRO Vs. K1MAN” on 8 Nov ‘06
KFM's just another turd in the punch bowl.
Brian ‘Anal Retentive’ CROW K3VR’s potty obsession in “VE7KFM on 14.275” on 13 Nov ‘06
.275 was a jam-fest yesterday, and there were a couple of foreign-language [Polish] speaking ops on .273 today who were incessantly jammed by a tape of 'KFM saying “Al Qaeda, Al Qaeda, Al Qaeda...revolution, revolution, revolution!”
This went on for a couple of hours - until the band began to fold.
No hint of Karol on the frequency, though ...
John N8YX telling it like it is, despite ‘Psycho’ Brian’s ‘noise’, in “VE7KFM on 14.275” on 13 Nov ‘06
I did listened to him for a while some time back a day or two....
This dude don’t actually SOUND to be all THAT bad (have heard worse locally on 11 meters THIS decade ) why give him such a rough time?
If this thread died from non - use, he might slowly fade out from loss of audience.
Bob AI4EP a newbie gets it, but through a glass, darkly in “VE7KFM on 14.275” on 13 Nov ‘06
never talk to that station in Canada. I talk over him when he appears….
Brian ‘Criminal CROW’ K3VR admitting he interferes in “KG6IRO Vs. K1MAN” on 6 Nov ‘06
Speaking of RG8U -- did you know KFM was actually listed on QRZ as RG8U's qsl manager for awhile? He was on the air in July bragging that he was listed as this bogus station's qsl manager, collecting greenbacks, and bragging about sending his libelous 56 page essay out to unsuspecting people who were duped into contacting the bogus station. [ß By Belden RG8U a.k.a. Brian in Karaoke mode, from Coax, Moldova!]
Brian ‘Borat’ CROW K3VR’s mischief misfired [!] in “VE7KFM on 14.275” on 7 Nov ‘06
His “investigative report” reads like a recipe concocted by a manic drag queen on crank:
One pound nonsensical ranting
Two cups A+B=Z
One cup paranoia
One tablespoon childish petulance
One half tablespoon poor me
One bunch homoerotic innuendo
Sprinkle liberally with racial and ethnic slurs
Half-bake mixture until thoroughly boring
Serve with hypocrisy, lies, and defamation
Brian CROW K3VR’s early Elements of ‘Coprophiliac’ Style in “VE7KFM on 14.275” on 8 Nov ‘06
The similarities between Adolf Hitler and Karol Madera are strikingly obvious. I have no doubt that's why people have played Hitler's speeches and Nazi war marches when Madera is on the air. It's a sad state of affairs when this kind of hatred, racism, and discrimination is allowed to propagate over amateur radio.
Brian ‘Neo-NAZI CROW’ K3VR ‘phase shifting’ in “VE7KFM on 14.275” on 8 Nov ‘06
Brian ‘Criminal CROW’ K3VR admitting he interferes in “KG6IRO Vs. K1MAN” on 6 Nov ‘06
Speaking of RG8U -- did you know KFM was actually listed on QRZ as RG8U's qsl manager for awhile? He was on the air in July bragging that he was listed as this bogus station's qsl manager, collecting greenbacks, and bragging about sending his libelous 56 page essay out to unsuspecting people who were duped into contacting the bogus station. [ß By Belden RG8U a.k.a. Brian in Karaoke mode, from Coax, Moldova!]
Brian ‘Borat’ CROW K3VR’s mischief misfired [!] in “VE7KFM on 14.275” on 7 Nov ‘06
His “investigative report” reads like a recipe concocted by a manic drag queen on crank:
One pound nonsensical ranting
Two cups A+B=Z
One cup paranoia
One tablespoon childish petulance
One half tablespoon poor me
One bunch homoerotic innuendo
Sprinkle liberally with racial and ethnic slurs
Half-bake mixture until thoroughly boring
Serve with hypocrisy, lies, and defamation
Brian CROW K3VR’s early Elements of ‘Coprophiliac’ Style in “VE7KFM on 14.275” on 8 Nov ‘06
The similarities between Adolf Hitler and Karol Madera are strikingly obvious. I have no doubt that's why people have played Hitler's speeches and Nazi war marches when Madera is on the air. It's a sad state of affairs when this kind of hatred, racism, and discrimination is allowed to propagate over amateur radio.
Brian ‘Neo-NAZI CROW’ K3VR ‘phase shifting’ in “VE7KFM on 14.275” on 8 Nov ‘06
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
I agree with Bernie. Some of us need to practice better manners on the net and on the radio…. [ß Take your own advice, Psycho!]
Jesus preached love and tolerance 2,000 years ago but I have yet to see a lessening in world conflict. [ß Jesus wept!]
The worst language I've ever heard over amateur radio has been transmitted on 14.275 for the past year. It's coming from Canada ( though, not the United States.
I called Canada [sic] yesterday to speak to the person at Industry Canada who's been handling (or I should say, not handling) the situation.
The guy I spoke to (Jim Laursen) blamed Americans, said he didn't care, and said he planned to do nothing about it! As long as we have useless bureaucrats [ß Brian must subliminally have been thinking about his ‘Rot’ Riley!] who are more interested in the length of their lunch breaks than in actually doing anything to improve the hobby/service we will continue to see bad behavior on the air.
I've said it before, but I think we are very fortunate to have Riley Hollingsworth, who truly cares about amateur radio both as a hobby and a service. He's always responded quickly and thoughtfully to any question or need I've had [ß N.B.], and I think he's done a great job promoting civility on the bands. [ß Sure he has…. By empowering gangs of ‘Bad Guys’ to do his dirty work for him. Just listen below 14.275 MHz.]
Obviously we still have a ways to go, but, after experiencing first hand what it's like to talk to a disinterested and rude bureaucratic drone in another country [ß Who hung up on him, for ample cause!], I think Riley Hollingsworth deserves all the support we can give him.
Brian ‘International Radio COP’ CROW K3VR penultimate post in “QST Op-ed” on 20 Oct ‘06
Started by Man - Last post by Man Where is the best place to make a complaint about discrimination and homophobia, etc? See for reference MAN [You’re ~there, Brian, but you’re no man.]
Brian ‘Faggot CROW’ K3VR posting as “MAN” [sic] on the bath-house door 24 Oct ’06
There was some dude yelling with a faked voice and someone else broadcasting music when I tuned by about half an hour ago. To be honest, that's the first time I've ever heard stuff at that frequency that was “off”. I've heard VE7KFM having normal-sounding conversations there before. I got the impression he's not a complete looney.
Andrew W8CBC damning VE7KFM with ‘faint praise’, HI in “VE7KFM on 14.275” on 6 Nov ‘06
Jesus preached love and tolerance 2,000 years ago but I have yet to see a lessening in world conflict. [ß Jesus wept!]
The worst language I've ever heard over amateur radio has been transmitted on 14.275 for the past year. It's coming from Canada ( though, not the United States.
I called Canada [sic] yesterday to speak to the person at Industry Canada who's been handling (or I should say, not handling) the situation.
The guy I spoke to (Jim Laursen) blamed Americans, said he didn't care, and said he planned to do nothing about it! As long as we have useless bureaucrats [ß Brian must subliminally have been thinking about his ‘Rot’ Riley!] who are more interested in the length of their lunch breaks than in actually doing anything to improve the hobby/service we will continue to see bad behavior on the air.
I've said it before, but I think we are very fortunate to have Riley Hollingsworth, who truly cares about amateur radio both as a hobby and a service. He's always responded quickly and thoughtfully to any question or need I've had [ß N.B.], and I think he's done a great job promoting civility on the bands. [ß Sure he has…. By empowering gangs of ‘Bad Guys’ to do his dirty work for him. Just listen below 14.275 MHz.]
Obviously we still have a ways to go, but, after experiencing first hand what it's like to talk to a disinterested and rude bureaucratic drone in another country [ß Who hung up on him, for ample cause!], I think Riley Hollingsworth deserves all the support we can give him.
Brian ‘International Radio COP’ CROW K3VR penultimate post in “QST Op-ed” on 20 Oct ‘06
Started by Man - Last post by Man Where is the best place to make a complaint about discrimination and homophobia, etc? See for reference MAN [You’re ~there, Brian, but you’re no man.]
Brian ‘Faggot CROW’ K3VR posting as “MAN” [sic] on the bath-house door 24 Oct ’06
There was some dude yelling with a faked voice and someone else broadcasting music when I tuned by about half an hour ago. To be honest, that's the first time I've ever heard stuff at that frequency that was “off”. I've heard VE7KFM having normal-sounding conversations there before. I got the impression he's not a complete looney.
Andrew W8CBC damning VE7KFM with ‘faint praise’, HI in “VE7KFM on 14.275” on 6 Nov ‘06
Saturday, October 23, 2010
It’s simply amazing that those posting against you on QRZ do not hear, what I hear! Or maybe it’s a case of selective hearing? How could anyone (with active brain matter) defend what the misfits (I prefer to call them retards) are doing on 14.275 on a daily basis, is beyond me! How could any freedom loving United States citizen condone the retards attempting to silence your views? Who appointed K3VR in charge of radio censorship in the first place? My guess is he appointed himself. Anyone who chooses to listen, or not, to you should be able to do so without any help from Brian. I’ve got terrible news for K3Vomit Radio and company, the end of his self-appointed role of censor is near.
“Bean Picker” unsolicited e-mail to me titled “K3VomitRadio” 31 Jan ‘07
· Why don't you just go ahead and start up a fan club?
Chas N5PVL after appropriately calling most of the frenetic posters “idiots”, in “VE7KFM is on” on 1 Feb ‘07
· He's pissed at me because I think he's obsessed with VE7KFM, and told him so.
David KN4DS about Brian ‘Psycho’ CROW K3VR in “NPRM – Training Wheel Ham” on 1 Feb ‘07
· I have never meant to suggest that Brian has any mental problems…. [ß Many others and I here certainly have.]
Dave KE4UWL after being intimidated/humiliated by Psycho Brian CROW K3VR in “VE7KFM is on” on 1 Feb ‘07
· Every time he's gotten on the air lately, I've heard death threats issued by anonymous stations.
Brian ‘Radio COP’ K3VR hearing death threats but curiously doing nothing about them, in “VE7KFM is on” on 1 Feb ‘07
· What a bunch of classy people on this thread.
Tom KC0W in “VE7KFM is on” on 2 Feb ‘07
· Last night he was complaining (as usual) about being maliciously jammed and something about someone saying nasty things about his mother. Was he hallucinating? [ß That “someone” was you Brian, you Psycho!]
Brian ‘Psycho CROW’ K3VR lying through his teeth, as usual, in “VE7KFM is on” on 2 Feb ‘07
“Bean Picker” unsolicited e-mail to me titled “K3VomitRadio” 31 Jan ‘07
· Why don't you just go ahead and start up a fan club?
Chas N5PVL after appropriately calling most of the frenetic posters “idiots”, in “VE7KFM is on” on 1 Feb ‘07
· He's pissed at me because I think he's obsessed with VE7KFM, and told him so.
David KN4DS about Brian ‘Psycho’ CROW K3VR in “NPRM – Training Wheel Ham” on 1 Feb ‘07
· I have never meant to suggest that Brian has any mental problems…. [ß Many others and I here certainly have.]
Dave KE4UWL after being intimidated/humiliated by Psycho Brian CROW K3VR in “VE7KFM is on” on 1 Feb ‘07
· Every time he's gotten on the air lately, I've heard death threats issued by anonymous stations.
Brian ‘Radio COP’ K3VR hearing death threats but curiously doing nothing about them, in “VE7KFM is on” on 1 Feb ‘07
· What a bunch of classy people on this thread.
Tom KC0W in “VE7KFM is on” on 2 Feb ‘07
· Last night he was complaining (as usual) about being maliciously jammed and something about someone saying nasty things about his mother. Was he hallucinating? [ß That “someone” was you Brian, you Psycho!]
Brian ‘Psycho CROW’ K3VR lying through his teeth, as usual, in “VE7KFM is on” on 2 Feb ‘07
UWL, I've refrained from commenting on most of your posts because, #1 they have no merit, and #2, I wanted to spare your feelings.
Let me spell something out for you in plain English since you've ignored several broad hints from others, and because this is the second time you've directed your amateur-pop-psychology in my direction.
A. You haven't heard the subject of this thread,
B. You're not licensed to talk on 20 meters.
C. You've been told you don't have a dog in this fight.
D. Your complete lack of experience and knowledge regarding the topic-at-hand are painfully obvious.
E. The State Department thanked me for my participation and interest. [ß Ergo: Finis America!]
F. RAC thanked me. [ß Who are they? FYI They’re much less representative than even your incompetents at the ARRL.]
G. FCC thanked me. [ß Be honest now, Brian. It actually was your Riley, in the Gettysburg bath-house, wasn’t it?]
H. RCMP thanked me. [ß Brian, was it the Royal Canadian Military Police (sic), or the “Incompetents”, as I call them?]
I. Radio Canada International thanked me. [ß But what about “RADIO CANADA”, with or w/o the “VE7KFM” Brian?]
J. Most of the information available about this idiot was amassed, arranged, and presented by me and my team.
K. I'll thank you, if you'll only promise to shut up and go away.
Your attempts to "weigh-in" while saying absolutely nothing of significance are very tiresome. Someone told you to go check out a thread about building a better rubber-duckie and I REALLY hope you take his advice.
Thank You!
Can I get an Amen?
Brian ‘Psycho CROW’ K3VR’s arrogant ‘smack-down’ of Dave KE4UWL in “VE7KFM is on” on 31 Jan ‘07
· No, you won't get an amen.
Richard KI4PEQ laconic retort in “VE7KFM is on” on 31 Jan ‘07
· I am almost as proud of you as you are of yourself Brian….
Tom KU4MY in “VE7KFM is on” on 31 Jan ‘07
Let me spell something out for you in plain English since you've ignored several broad hints from others, and because this is the second time you've directed your amateur-pop-psychology in my direction.
A. You haven't heard the subject of this thread,
B. You're not licensed to talk on 20 meters.
C. You've been told you don't have a dog in this fight.
D. Your complete lack of experience and knowledge regarding the topic-at-hand are painfully obvious.
E. The State Department thanked me for my participation and interest. [ß Ergo: Finis America!]
F. RAC thanked me. [ß Who are they? FYI They’re much less representative than even your incompetents at the ARRL.]
G. FCC thanked me. [ß Be honest now, Brian. It actually was your Riley, in the Gettysburg bath-house, wasn’t it?]
H. RCMP thanked me. [ß Brian, was it the Royal Canadian Military Police (sic), or the “Incompetents”, as I call them?]
I. Radio Canada International thanked me. [ß But what about “RADIO CANADA”, with or w/o the “VE7KFM” Brian?]
J. Most of the information available about this idiot was amassed, arranged, and presented by me and my team.
K. I'll thank you, if you'll only promise to shut up and go away.
Your attempts to "weigh-in" while saying absolutely nothing of significance are very tiresome. Someone told you to go check out a thread about building a better rubber-duckie and I REALLY hope you take his advice.
Thank You!
Can I get an Amen?
Brian ‘Psycho CROW’ K3VR’s arrogant ‘smack-down’ of Dave KE4UWL in “VE7KFM is on” on 31 Jan ‘07
· No, you won't get an amen.
Richard KI4PEQ laconic retort in “VE7KFM is on” on 31 Jan ‘07
· I am almost as proud of you as you are of yourself Brian….
Tom KU4MY in “VE7KFM is on” on 31 Jan ‘07
The ve7 site doesn't belong to me. [LIAR!] I asked a lot [sic] of Polish folks if Karol represented Polish hams and you said no. A lot [sic] of people said no. About a hundred, maybe a few more than a hundred. [LIAR!]
I forwarded your email to my distribution list of 319 people [LIAR!] and what happened next - who knows? [LIAR! Liar! Your latex pants are on fire, Brian!]
It's on the ve7 website…. Send email to and ask them to take it off. Unlike Karol, I think they're fair people and they will do what you ask…. [LIAR!] I can understand why you don't want to be involved. I don't want to be involved either! [LIAR! For ample proof of which, simply read the rest of this page.]
Brian ‘Fraudulent CROW’ K3VR disingenuously replying to Bogdan’s pitiful Polish plaint, above, 19 Oct ‘06
Jim Laursen [the Manager at IC] called the complaints a "put up job" and said he was "unconcerned"… and… went so far as to say he planned to "do nothing" in the [Karol] Madera case.
Brian CROW K3VR reporting on a seminal tele-conversation he had with a Manager at Industry Canada <19 Oct ‘06
The ve7 site doesn't belong to me. [LIAR!] I asked a lot [sic] of Polish folks if Karol represented Polish hams and you said no. A lot [sic] of people said no. About a hundred, maybe a few more than a hundred. [LIAR!]
I forwarded your email to my distribution list of 319 people [LIAR!] and what happened next - who knows? [LIAR! Liar! Your latex pants are on fire, Brian!]
It's on the ve7 website…. Send email to and ask them to take it off. Unlike Karol, I think they're fair people and they will do what you ask…. [LIAR!] I can understand why you don't want to be involved. I don't want to be involved either! [LIAR! For ample proof of which, simply read the rest of this page.]
Brian ‘Fraudulent CROW’ K3VR disingenuously replying to Bogdan’s pitiful Polish plaint, above, 19 Oct ‘06
Jim Laursen [the Manager at IC] called the complaints a "put up job" and said he was "unconcerned"… and… went so far as to say he planned to "do nothing" in the [Karol] Madera case.
Brian CROW K3VR reporting on a seminal tele-conversation he had with a Manager at Industry Canada <19 Oct ‘06
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Here's an observation from someone who rarely listens to HF phone.
I tuned to the frequency tonight to see what the ruckus was about.
What did I hear?
I heard tens of stations interfering with the VE7 station nonstop. There were no ID's. There were noise maker toys. There were recordings of him played over and over. They were very nasty.
All I heard from the VE7 in question is him trying to QSO with someone.
Please tell me again who the bad operator is??
David AB3BK post [as reported to me by a third party under e-mail caption “FINALLY”], on 4 Oct ‘06
· Jerry [VE3IKJ],
I have spoken to all Americans who use 14.275 on 20 meters. [sic] [ß Brian obviously is a patent LIAR!]
VE7KFM, N9VTB, and VE2ZAQ are NOT welcome because they promote hatred. [ß Must be, since Brian says so!]
All other Polish people are welcome as friends at all times! [ß Yeah, right! Listen to Mad Mikee’s “Polak” slurs!]
Any Canadian citizen interested in stopping Karol Madera's hate propaganda should file a complaint with RCMP. [ß Any wonder that they’re shooting Americans around the World?]
Secret, ‘behind the scenes’ e-mail from Brian K3VR to Jerry VE3IKJ—and 20 other Poles—10 Oct ‘06
· Brian,
I answered you as a private person but you edited my opinion and posted on your website…
to use as a weapon against Karol Madera. [Remember the old Polish saying, Bogdan: “A Pole is too late smart.”]
You also posted the recordings of my QSO with KZ8O to show that Karol is interfering with our QSO. I did not hear any interference, and Mike did not report any. There was no interference! Unfair!
You just pulled me in to that conflict to use against the other side….
Brian, remove my statement and the recording from your website…. [Good Luck, Bogdan!]
Bogdan W4EEH’s pitiful pidgin-Polish plaint [translated by his son] after being “used” by ‘Psycho’ Brian 19 Oct ‘06
I tuned to the frequency tonight to see what the ruckus was about.
What did I hear?
I heard tens of stations interfering with the VE7 station nonstop. There were no ID's. There were noise maker toys. There were recordings of him played over and over. They were very nasty.
All I heard from the VE7 in question is him trying to QSO with someone.
Please tell me again who the bad operator is??
David AB3BK post [as reported to me by a third party under e-mail caption “FINALLY”], on 4 Oct ‘06
· Jerry [VE3IKJ],
I have spoken to all Americans who use 14.275 on 20 meters. [sic] [ß Brian obviously is a patent LIAR!]
VE7KFM, N9VTB, and VE2ZAQ are NOT welcome because they promote hatred. [ß Must be, since Brian says so!]
All other Polish people are welcome as friends at all times! [ß Yeah, right! Listen to Mad Mikee’s “Polak” slurs!]
Any Canadian citizen interested in stopping Karol Madera's hate propaganda should file a complaint with RCMP. [ß Any wonder that they’re shooting Americans around the World?]
Secret, ‘behind the scenes’ e-mail from Brian K3VR to Jerry VE3IKJ—and 20 other Poles—10 Oct ‘06
· Brian,
I answered you as a private person but you edited my opinion and posted on your website…
to use as a weapon against Karol Madera. [Remember the old Polish saying, Bogdan: “A Pole is too late smart.”]
You also posted the recordings of my QSO with KZ8O to show that Karol is interfering with our QSO. I did not hear any interference, and Mike did not report any. There was no interference! Unfair!
You just pulled me in to that conflict to use against the other side….
Brian, remove my statement and the recording from your website…. [Good Luck, Bogdan!]
Bogdan W4EEH’s pitiful pidgin-Polish plaint [translated by his son] after being “used” by ‘Psycho’ Brian 19 Oct ‘06
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
You ever notice how the jamming stops when Big Al talks? [ß Brian K3VR & Co. are now ~mimicking this!]
“MN Maniac” in “14.313 Idiots Revisited”/“IMMATURITY on 14.275 Mhz.USB” on 9 Sep ‘06
It's comical though, especially K3VR's creative method of QRMing him off frequency.
Ryan ‘Jiggaboo’ N2RJ [Brian’s Toady] letting the cat out of the bag in “Is This For Real” on 18 Sep ‘06
· [The Manager] muttered something about feeling threatened, and… hung up on [Brian CROW K3VR]. [Bravo!]
Brian CROW K3VR reporting on a brutally short teleconversation he had with a Manager at MY IC 19 Oct ‘06
· Mr. Laursen made it perfectly clear, to myself and others, that not only is he UNCONCERNED about Mr. Madera's… speech, he intends to do NOTHING about the aforementioned [sic]. He also told me he regards my concern as "of no interest" to him and a "put up job" whatever that means. [ß It means you’re a FRAUD, Brian.]
Brian CROW K3VR a son cher ami, Maxime [a.k.a. Minister of Industry—who told him to mange la merde] >19 Oct ‘06
· All that is required is that Industry Canada revoke Mr. Madera's license to transmit…. [ß Nice try, Psycho.]
With deep respect and best wishes
A decent radio amateur from USA
Psycho Brian sucking up a son cher ami, Maxime [you’re many things, Brian, but “decent” is not one of them] >19 Oct ‘06
Re Gary Barbour’s amateur-radio-operator story: I have the FCC statement being sent tomorrow. The suggestion that "many Americans are discussing boycotting Canadian goods, etc." is ludicrous in the extreme. [“Dickhead” Riley & Psycho Brian playing “ludicrous” games in the Gettysburg bath-house, behind-the-scenes, again.]
Peter WARREN replying to Brian CROW K3VR further to Gary [a.k.a. Ken] VA4KGB fool’s errand on his behalf 16 Jul ‘06
“MN Maniac” in “14.313 Idiots Revisited”/“IMMATURITY on 14.275 Mhz.USB” on 9 Sep ‘06
It's comical though, especially K3VR's creative method of QRMing him off frequency.
Ryan ‘Jiggaboo’ N2RJ [Brian’s Toady] letting the cat out of the bag in “Is This For Real” on 18 Sep ‘06
· [The Manager] muttered something about feeling threatened, and… hung up on [Brian CROW K3VR]. [Bravo!]
Brian CROW K3VR reporting on a brutally short teleconversation he had with a Manager at MY IC 19 Oct ‘06
· Mr. Laursen made it perfectly clear, to myself and others, that not only is he UNCONCERNED about Mr. Madera's… speech, he intends to do NOTHING about the aforementioned [sic]. He also told me he regards my concern as "of no interest" to him and a "put up job" whatever that means. [ß It means you’re a FRAUD, Brian.]
Brian CROW K3VR a son cher ami, Maxime [a.k.a. Minister of Industry—who told him to mange la merde] >19 Oct ‘06
· All that is required is that Industry Canada revoke Mr. Madera's license to transmit…. [ß Nice try, Psycho.]
With deep respect and best wishes
A decent radio amateur from USA
Psycho Brian sucking up a son cher ami, Maxime [you’re many things, Brian, but “decent” is not one of them] >19 Oct ‘06
Re Gary Barbour’s amateur-radio-operator story: I have the FCC statement being sent tomorrow. The suggestion that "many Americans are discussing boycotting Canadian goods, etc." is ludicrous in the extreme. [“Dickhead” Riley & Psycho Brian playing “ludicrous” games in the Gettysburg bath-house, behind-the-scenes, again.]
Peter WARREN replying to Brian CROW K3VR further to Gary [a.k.a. Ken] VA4KGB fool’s errand on his behalf 16 Jul ‘06
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Ten years ago, that frequency [14.313] was worse than CB Channel 6. An ongoing war between several parties: "Big Al", "Polly", "Pork Butt", "Herbie" in the Virgin Islands, and several others whom I can't remember right now. Excessive power, music, sound effects, and deliberate off-frequency operation were all part of the arsenal. Riley Hollingsworth was supposed to be "monitoring and taking action" back then, too.
The nighttime equivalent of 14.313 was 3.9845. Same players, different propagation.
‘MN Maniac’ in “IMMATURITY On 14.275 Mhz” on ~29 May ‘06
In short, 14.275 Mhz. is the Ham equivalent of a troll-filled Internet board right now? [ß Managed by Brian ‘Cyberpath CROW’ K3VR!]
‘clichemoth’ in “IMMATURITY On 14.275 Mhz” on ~29 May ‘06
When Karol attacks the credibility of CMSPIRG, is he referring to Leo Meterson [sic], Walter Cronkite, Hap Holly, Fred Osterman, Keith Lamonica, Senator Elizabeth Schneider, Riley Hollingsworth, the FCC Boston Office, or the dozens of others who have commented (negatively) on Baxter and his notorious partners? [ß Glad you asked, Brian. Short answer: YES. BTW Learn how to spell Leo’s surname, especially if you intend to “use” him, in 1st place at that, Dimmi!]
Brian ‘Petition-a-Day’ CROW K3VR in his “Petition to Deny K1MAN's License” on 12 Jun ‘06
I think some people are just obsessed with K1MAN and VE7KFM (and a few others). Why? Just enjoy amateur radio!
Steve KJ5T [no friend of mine] in Brian’s “K1MAN PUBLISHES BOGUS COURT CASE” on 15 Jun ‘06
Minister Maxime Bernier is particularly helpful. [ß Brian, Julie COUILLARD has been much more helpful, HI….]
Brian ‘name-dropping’ [but, like Kevin STROM, below, now barely knows him] in “Intruders…” on 6 Jul ‘06
Karol F. Madera of [stalking address deleted], threatened the US Ambassador to Canada, wishes Americans roadside bombs, asked for a sniper rifle to be shipped to his residence. He's still at large and still making threats. Why? [ß Because in MY Canada ‘sucking RCMP cock’ is not enough, Brian.]
“nemodorry” a.k.a. ‘Psycho Brian’ K3VR in “Karol Madera Canadian Terrorist?” on YouTUBE 10 Aug ‘06
The nighttime equivalent of 14.313 was 3.9845. Same players, different propagation.
‘MN Maniac’ in “IMMATURITY On 14.275 Mhz” on ~29 May ‘06
In short, 14.275 Mhz. is the Ham equivalent of a troll-filled Internet board right now? [ß Managed by Brian ‘Cyberpath CROW’ K3VR!]
‘clichemoth’ in “IMMATURITY On 14.275 Mhz” on ~29 May ‘06
When Karol attacks the credibility of CMSPIRG, is he referring to Leo Meterson [sic], Walter Cronkite, Hap Holly, Fred Osterman, Keith Lamonica, Senator Elizabeth Schneider, Riley Hollingsworth, the FCC Boston Office, or the dozens of others who have commented (negatively) on Baxter and his notorious partners? [ß Glad you asked, Brian. Short answer: YES. BTW Learn how to spell Leo’s surname, especially if you intend to “use” him, in 1st place at that, Dimmi!]
Brian ‘Petition-a-Day’ CROW K3VR in his “Petition to Deny K1MAN's License” on 12 Jun ‘06
I think some people are just obsessed with K1MAN and VE7KFM (and a few others). Why? Just enjoy amateur radio!
Steve KJ5T [no friend of mine] in Brian’s “K1MAN PUBLISHES BOGUS COURT CASE” on 15 Jun ‘06
Minister Maxime Bernier is particularly helpful. [ß Brian, Julie COUILLARD has been much more helpful, HI….]
Brian ‘name-dropping’ [but, like Kevin STROM, below, now barely knows him] in “Intruders…” on 6 Jul ‘06
Karol F. Madera of [stalking address deleted], threatened the US Ambassador to Canada, wishes Americans roadside bombs, asked for a sniper rifle to be shipped to his residence. He's still at large and still making threats. Why? [ß Because in MY Canada ‘sucking RCMP cock’ is not enough, Brian.]
“nemodorry” a.k.a. ‘Psycho Brian’ K3VR in “Karol Madera Canadian Terrorist?” on YouTUBE 10 Aug ‘06
Friday, October 15, 2010
It would appear not only that Matthew GRAVES is intimately involved with/has the run of the Centre for Media Studies Public Interest Research Group (CMSPIRG) website, but also that the "accuracy of information on [the CMSPIRG] site is guaranteed by [wait for it...] the Center for Media Studies Public Interest Research Group".
How do you spell 'Circle J*rk'?
Critical thinking is not for the weak-minded....
Karol VE7KFM pointing out Brian’s CMSPIRG ‘circular guarantee’ in “Maine Senator…” on 17 May ‘06
Hi everyone:
Quote from: The Dude on May 29, 2006, 09:35:05 pm
Hello Pat, I've heard of this RILEY before........ (Is he a nice guy???)
Only if you're on his good side - Hi...Hi ;)
I thought this kind of stuff only happened on 11meters
HA! That's a laugh if I've ever heard one.
I do remember hearing about it happening on 80 quite a bit though (3.950 Mhz to be exact)
Then you have some basic knowledge of what I'm talking about. It's also been known to happen on 14.313 Mhz. as well.
Pat KB0ODX in “IMMATURITY On 14.275 Mhz” on ~29 May ‘06
How do you spell 'Circle J*rk'?
Critical thinking is not for the weak-minded....
Karol VE7KFM pointing out Brian’s CMSPIRG ‘circular guarantee’ in “Maine Senator…” on 17 May ‘06
Hi everyone:
Quote from: The Dude on May 29, 2006, 09:35:05 pm
Hello Pat, I've heard of this RILEY before........ (Is he a nice guy???)
Only if you're on his good side - Hi...Hi ;)
I thought this kind of stuff only happened on 11meters
HA! That's a laugh if I've ever heard one.
I do remember hearing about it happening on 80 quite a bit though (3.950 Mhz to be exact)
Then you have some basic knowledge of what I'm talking about. It's also been known to happen on 14.313 Mhz. as well.
Pat KB0ODX in “IMMATURITY On 14.275 Mhz” on ~29 May ‘06
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Sometimes an ugly, possibly rabid, stray dog comes along and leaves a large package in the middle of a well-traveled trail. The mess draws lots of flies. It's unpleasant, it stinks, it's unsightly, and many unsuspecting joggers inadvertently step in it.
The park represents our ham bands. The miscreants make the mess. The jammers are the flies the mess attracts. [ß Brian subliminally talking about himself and his “miscreants” and “jammers”.]
Brian ‘Coprophiliac’ CROW K3VR in “Glenn Baxter, K1MAN Fined $21,000” on 15 Apr ‘06
I sent you a decision someone sent me from the DC Circuit that was just handed down a couple of weeks ago about the red light rule. Looks like the Commission will be going back to the drawing board (again) to figure out how to collect forfeitures and such.
Brian ‘Jail-House Lawyer’ CROW K3VR in “Glenn Baxter, K1MAN Fined $21,000” on 23 Apr ‘06
Did anyone notice the bogus court case Baxter published on his website? [ß You mean the same one YOU sent to Lee W6EM/4 as “the Truth”, some 44 days earlier, immediately above, Dimmi?] He's been sending it via email also. [ß It looks like Glenn sent it to YOU!] Something about the Red Light Rule being overturned and the FCC attorneys all being sick on the day they taught law, etc.
Brian ‘Eating CROW’ K3VR in “Glenn Baxter, K1MAN Fined $21,000” on 7 Jun ‘06
Glenn K1MAN in his AARA Radio Digest Update on 24 Apr ‘06
The park represents our ham bands. The miscreants make the mess. The jammers are the flies the mess attracts. [ß Brian subliminally talking about himself and his “miscreants” and “jammers”.]
Brian ‘Coprophiliac’ CROW K3VR in “Glenn Baxter, K1MAN Fined $21,000” on 15 Apr ‘06
I sent you a decision someone sent me from the DC Circuit that was just handed down a couple of weeks ago about the red light rule. Looks like the Commission will be going back to the drawing board (again) to figure out how to collect forfeitures and such.
Brian ‘Jail-House Lawyer’ CROW K3VR in “Glenn Baxter, K1MAN Fined $21,000” on 23 Apr ‘06
Did anyone notice the bogus court case Baxter published on his website? [ß You mean the same one YOU sent to Lee W6EM/4 as “the Truth”, some 44 days earlier, immediately above, Dimmi?] He's been sending it via email also. [ß It looks like Glenn sent it to YOU!] Something about the Red Light Rule being overturned and the FCC attorneys all being sick on the day they taught law, etc.
Brian ‘Eating CROW’ K3VR in “Glenn Baxter, K1MAN Fined $21,000” on 7 Jun ‘06
Glenn K1MAN in his AARA Radio Digest Update on 24 Apr ‘06
Monday, October 11, 2010
Anybody know Karol Madera who lives on [stalking address deleted]? I heard a couple of guys on ham radio say Karol has a filthy mouth and they gave out a link to this website. Supposedly Karol made threats against the U.S. Ambassador, and he also was talking about using sniper rifles and calling himself al qaeda control!
“Ham Radio Dude” from Penn PA [a.k.a. ‘Psycho Brian’ K3VR] trolling in “On Victoria” 22 Feb ‘06
Brian – K3VR - get info on reporting interference, radio mods, emergency preparedness and much more.
Brian ‘Stazi’ CROW K3VR in “The AM Window: Stuff: AMers on the Web” [ß not to be confused with on-air] < 26 Feb ‘06
BRIAN CROW K3VR today on QRZ proved N9OGL’s point after N9OGL stated that the K1MAN ISSUE is a personal vendetta and anyone who disagreed with it are "supporters" of K1MAN. I wonder if the FCC knows that THESE ham radio operators are using them as a tool for a personal vendetta. Let's get fucking something straight here, I agree with a few things that Glenn says, but I also believe what I believe and FYI Brian, as for me and the fucking FCC I have the fucking right to criticize them, so fuck you and your fuck little group. [Bravo, Todd!]
Todd Daugherty in “BRIAN CROW K3VR HAS PROVEN N9OGL POINT” on N9OGL’s BLOG 31 Mar ‘06
It proves my point that you, Brian Crow, and all the other morons have a personal vendetta against people who don't see their [point of] view. Hell, Brian proved it on QRZ when he attacked me. What this shows and I HOPE the FCC is watching, is how vindictive these people are, and that their petition to deny K1MAN license be DENIED, on the grounds that they not only have a personal grudge against K1MAN, but [also] those who question the system. I'm going to write the FCC and have them DENY that petition and show evidence that these people are using a Federal funding agency to remove a person they don't like and … are in the process of doing the same-thing to those who either side with K1MAN or question the clarity of the rules and the final order. I'm also going to write members of the House and Senate subcommittee on telecommunication and present the same information and that these amateur operators are using a taxpayers’ funded agency for their own personal grudges and for personal vendettas. So go tell your Buddy Crow [K3VR]… they REALLY FUCKED with the wrong person when they started attacking me.
Todd N9OGL in “New from the Voice of Amateur Radio” on 3 Apr ‘06
“Ham Radio Dude” from Penn PA [a.k.a. ‘Psycho Brian’ K3VR] trolling in “On Victoria” 22 Feb ‘06
Brian – K3VR - get info on reporting interference, radio mods, emergency preparedness and much more.
Brian ‘Stazi’ CROW K3VR in “The AM Window: Stuff: AMers on the Web” [ß not to be confused with on-air] < 26 Feb ‘06
BRIAN CROW K3VR today on QRZ proved N9OGL’s point after N9OGL stated that the K1MAN ISSUE is a personal vendetta and anyone who disagreed with it are "supporters" of K1MAN. I wonder if the FCC knows that THESE ham radio operators are using them as a tool for a personal vendetta. Let's get fucking something straight here, I agree with a few things that Glenn says, but I also believe what I believe and FYI Brian, as for me and the fucking FCC I have the fucking right to criticize them, so fuck you and your fuck little group. [Bravo, Todd!]
Todd Daugherty in “BRIAN CROW K3VR HAS PROVEN N9OGL POINT” on N9OGL’s BLOG 31 Mar ‘06
It proves my point that you, Brian Crow, and all the other morons have a personal vendetta against people who don't see their [point of] view. Hell, Brian proved it on QRZ when he attacked me. What this shows and I HOPE the FCC is watching, is how vindictive these people are, and that their petition to deny K1MAN license be DENIED, on the grounds that they not only have a personal grudge against K1MAN, but [also] those who question the system. I'm going to write the FCC and have them DENY that petition and show evidence that these people are using a Federal funding agency to remove a person they don't like and … are in the process of doing the same-thing to those who either side with K1MAN or question the clarity of the rules and the final order. I'm also going to write members of the House and Senate subcommittee on telecommunication and present the same information and that these amateur operators are using a taxpayers’ funded agency for their own personal grudges and for personal vendettas. So go tell your Buddy Crow [K3VR]… they REALLY FUCKED with the wrong person when they started attacking me.
Todd N9OGL in “New from the Voice of Amateur Radio” on 3 Apr ‘06
Saturday, October 9, 2010
It's obvious to most that Crow's mentality is “If I can't have it, no one can.” He is obsessed with "MAN" to the point of having a one track mind. I'm not one of MAN's cronies, but MAN owns Crow, lock, stock, and barrel. Funny.
Jim KE4TEW about Brian ‘Obsessed CROW’ K3VR on Jon K1TP’s As The World Turns 8 Feb ‘06
It was hinted that I play favorites posting email, etc... please! I don't post stuff about hams family members that have nothing to do with ham radio...especially 14275/313.... I could write a fricken book on that cast that wouldn't play pretty.... I just try to post a sampling of what people are saying and thinking on current issues.... It's not my purpose to run people into the ground! Life is too short to be a complete prick. I'll leave that to a higher power than me.... [Jon actually means Brian, the American amateur ‘Psycho’: he’s patently a “compleat” prick.]
Jon K1TP turning down Brian CROW K3VR’s obscene post about my 80 year-old Mother, on ATWT 9 Feb ‘06
Any operation that's legal is ok in my book. [ß That’s mighty “white” of you, Tonto.] What I get peeved about is blatantly illegal operation. [ß Defined by Psycho Brian, of course!] There has been a strategy in place to deal with K1MAN since December 2002. As far as I can tell, it's working just fine. Use your radio legally, and if K1MAN interferes, file a complaint with the Commission…. [ß Can we do that too if you/your goons interfere, Psycho?]
And speaking of illegal operation, there are lots of genuine documents, commentary, and tons of interesting facts and sound clips on the page below... [ß Disclosure SVP, again, Psycho!]
Check it out!!
Psycho Brian CROW K3VR in “K1MAN: Time for a Strategy” on 16 Feb ‘06
I am so sick of the BS on 14275 and 14313... it's time for me to do something for this hobby... the wrong hornet's nest has been stirred! A few hams seem to think they own the frequency and have abused it for years... some have already been warned by the FCC but continue to make a mockery of our hobby. It is time for Riley to be flooded with honest reports of who is abusing the rules and regulations of amateur radio. Please start a log of call signs, dates, times, and if you have the capability, record the jamming, harassment, qso's, etc. Please forward your information to me and more importantly, Riley Hollingsworth at the FCC. Enough is enough... let's get rid of the Lids that just don't seem to get it. The Lids that give us all a black eye have to go! If Riley receives enough "honest" information... no need to make anything up, these guys fuck up on a regular basis... something will be done! [ß Jon’s ‘Finest Hour’/Epiphany: “honest reports”… “no need to make anything up”…. Wow, imagine!]
Jon K1TP pissed off/seeing the light, after threats of lawsuits by Brian ‘Psycho’ CROW K3VR & Co., on ATWT 18 Feb ‘06
Jim KE4TEW about Brian ‘Obsessed CROW’ K3VR on Jon K1TP’s As The World Turns 8 Feb ‘06
It was hinted that I play favorites posting email, etc... please! I don't post stuff about hams family members that have nothing to do with ham radio...especially 14275/313.... I could write a fricken book on that cast that wouldn't play pretty.... I just try to post a sampling of what people are saying and thinking on current issues.... It's not my purpose to run people into the ground! Life is too short to be a complete prick. I'll leave that to a higher power than me.... [Jon actually means Brian, the American amateur ‘Psycho’: he’s patently a “compleat” prick.]
Jon K1TP turning down Brian CROW K3VR’s obscene post about my 80 year-old Mother, on ATWT 9 Feb ‘06
Any operation that's legal is ok in my book. [ß That’s mighty “white” of you, Tonto.] What I get peeved about is blatantly illegal operation. [ß Defined by Psycho Brian, of course!] There has been a strategy in place to deal with K1MAN since December 2002. As far as I can tell, it's working just fine. Use your radio legally, and if K1MAN interferes, file a complaint with the Commission…. [ß Can we do that too if you/your goons interfere, Psycho?]
And speaking of illegal operation, there are lots of genuine documents, commentary, and tons of interesting facts and sound clips on the page below... [ß Disclosure SVP, again, Psycho!]
Check it out!!
Psycho Brian CROW K3VR in “K1MAN: Time for a Strategy” on 16 Feb ‘06
I am so sick of the BS on 14275 and 14313... it's time for me to do something for this hobby... the wrong hornet's nest has been stirred! A few hams seem to think they own the frequency and have abused it for years... some have already been warned by the FCC but continue to make a mockery of our hobby. It is time for Riley to be flooded with honest reports of who is abusing the rules and regulations of amateur radio. Please start a log of call signs, dates, times, and if you have the capability, record the jamming, harassment, qso's, etc. Please forward your information to me and more importantly, Riley Hollingsworth at the FCC. Enough is enough... let's get rid of the Lids that just don't seem to get it. The Lids that give us all a black eye have to go! If Riley receives enough "honest" information... no need to make anything up, these guys fuck up on a regular basis... something will be done! [ß Jon’s ‘Finest Hour’/Epiphany: “honest reports”… “no need to make anything up”…. Wow, imagine!]
Jon K1TP pissed off/seeing the light, after threats of lawsuits by Brian ‘Psycho’ CROW K3VR & Co., on ATWT 18 Feb ‘06
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Dear Glenn,
I understand you plan to air your "bulletin" again on a random basis, plus or minus QRM. That's great. I want to let you know that my station, K3VR, is now in experimental beacon mode, and will remain so, twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week, for the next several weeks (at least) on 14.275 mHz, USB.
I hope I can trust you to operate a minimum of 3 kHz above or below my experimental beacon which will remain on 14.275 mHz for the forseeable [sic] future. Interference to the beacon would tend to skew research results and would also be a disservice to those interested in the project.
Thanks for your cooperation. [Emphasis was in the original.]
Brian CROW K3VR to Glenn K1MAN on Jon K1TP’s [no friend of mine] As The World Turns website ~6 Feb ‘06
The beacon transmitter is located near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and transmits on 14,275 mHz USB. Please report episodes of deliberate interference to the low power beacon to the FCC, Industry Canada, or other appropriate licensing bureau.
Brian ‘Perverse Hypocrite’ CROW K3VR trolling for queers in his “Hap Holly on K1MAN” on eHAM 6 Feb ‘06
Hi Jon! This is for K3VR! Hey Brian, don't forget to send out felony affidavits to Glen Baxter if he interferes with your experimental beacon!
Gerry ‘Whacko’ MEL N1GJT on Jon K1TP’s As The World Turns ~7 Feb ‘06
He is certainly "CONSUMED" with Glenn. I like his little note about 3 kc.......he sure as hell didn't abide by that with the Kalamazoo Cukoo ND8V in their qso's while Glenn was transmitting. Just like a little kid. He could use some psychiatric help himself.
“Les” about Brian ‘Consumed CROW’ K3VR on Jon K1TP’s As The World Turns 8 Feb ‘06
Jon- ’m not sure who the bigger asshole is anymore, Glen or K3VR. Remind me when I don’t have a life to “play” radio too. I’m still trying to figure out how K3VR… got a grant from PA to fight terrorism when no such grant exists! (My brother-in-law works for a state senator in Harrisburg.) I hope that an emergency needs to use that frequency and all the qrm from all the bullshit parties creates a problem. Maybe then they will all grow up....
“Mike R. ....4 Lander, ex 2 lander” on Jon K1TP’s As The World Turns 8 Feb ‘06
I understand you plan to air your "bulletin" again on a random basis, plus or minus QRM. That's great. I want to let you know that my station, K3VR, is now in experimental beacon mode, and will remain so, twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week, for the next several weeks (at least) on 14.275 mHz, USB.
I hope I can trust you to operate a minimum of 3 kHz above or below my experimental beacon which will remain on 14.275 mHz for the forseeable [sic] future. Interference to the beacon would tend to skew research results and would also be a disservice to those interested in the project.
Thanks for your cooperation. [Emphasis was in the original.]
Brian CROW K3VR to Glenn K1MAN on Jon K1TP’s [no friend of mine] As The World Turns website ~6 Feb ‘06
The beacon transmitter is located near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and transmits on 14,275 mHz USB. Please report episodes of deliberate interference to the low power beacon to the FCC, Industry Canada, or other appropriate licensing bureau.
Brian ‘Perverse Hypocrite’ CROW K3VR trolling for queers in his “Hap Holly on K1MAN” on eHAM 6 Feb ‘06
Hi Jon! This is for K3VR! Hey Brian, don't forget to send out felony affidavits to Glen Baxter if he interferes with your experimental beacon!
Gerry ‘Whacko’ MEL N1GJT on Jon K1TP’s As The World Turns ~7 Feb ‘06
He is certainly "CONSUMED" with Glenn. I like his little note about 3 kc.......he sure as hell didn't abide by that with the Kalamazoo Cukoo ND8V in their qso's while Glenn was transmitting. Just like a little kid. He could use some psychiatric help himself.
“Les” about Brian ‘Consumed CROW’ K3VR on Jon K1TP’s As The World Turns 8 Feb ‘06
Jon- ’m not sure who the bigger asshole is anymore, Glen or K3VR. Remind me when I don’t have a life to “play” radio too. I’m still trying to figure out how K3VR… got a grant from PA to fight terrorism when no such grant exists! (My brother-in-law works for a state senator in Harrisburg.) I hope that an emergency needs to use that frequency and all the qrm from all the bullshit parties creates a problem. Maybe then they will all grow up....
“Mike R. ....4 Lander, ex 2 lander” on Jon K1TP’s As The World Turns 8 Feb ‘06
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Brian CROW K3VR above, on eHAM and on QRZ generally and elsewhere on amateur-radio fora on the Internet, constantly refers to/promotes the Centre for Media Studies Public Interest Research Group (CMSPIRG) website.
Yet CMSPIRG, a 'made up' entity, is unattributed and de facto anonymous....
K3VR was on QRZ recently challenged [by James K9KXQ] to disclose the 'directing mind' behind the site, but instructively refused to do so....
Now, most of us were taught before going to Grade School, to always consider the source. When the source is anonymous, most of us also quickly learned to give the material little or no weight. And when the source in addition has an axe to grind--as this one patently does--some of us have even been taught to read the material 'contra preferentum'....
Such critical 'contra' reading paints a very unflattering picture of the directing so-called "mind" behind CMSPIRG. On all of the evidence contained therein, that person obviously is a cyberpath, arguably a sociopath and possibly even a psychopath....
The fundamental question then arises: why does Brian CROW K3VR constantly refer with approbation not only to an anonymous site, but also to one written by such an arguably disordered person?
Karol VE7KFM in “K1MAN: Time for a Strategy” on 14 May ‘06
In the "PS" Brian states that the data for the so-called experiment was "posted courtesy of a friend", at:
Most interestingly, if one shortens the above URL by removing in effect only the 5btv reference, thus:
surprise, surprise, one gets to [wait for it...] the infamous and unattributed Centre for Media Studies Public Interest Research Group (CMSPIRG) Webpage, obscene links and all that he posted on 16 February!
But, I suppose that the 'fine' question remains: is CMSPIRG authored by Brian K3VR or by his good "friend", who just happens to use his call-sign in the URL--with or without permission, HI.... Maybe this "friend" is Matthew GRAVES, or Herr Professor Dr. Jonas X. HASENFUS, or James DOOHAN, or.... But, I digress.
Karol VE7KFM exposing the provenance of CMSPIRG in Brian’s “Hap Holly on K1MAN” on eHAM 17 May ‘06
Yet CMSPIRG, a 'made up' entity, is unattributed and de facto anonymous....
K3VR was on QRZ recently challenged [by James K9KXQ] to disclose the 'directing mind' behind the site, but instructively refused to do so....
Now, most of us were taught before going to Grade School, to always consider the source. When the source is anonymous, most of us also quickly learned to give the material little or no weight. And when the source in addition has an axe to grind--as this one patently does--some of us have even been taught to read the material 'contra preferentum'....
Such critical 'contra' reading paints a very unflattering picture of the directing so-called "mind" behind CMSPIRG. On all of the evidence contained therein, that person obviously is a cyberpath, arguably a sociopath and possibly even a psychopath....
The fundamental question then arises: why does Brian CROW K3VR constantly refer with approbation not only to an anonymous site, but also to one written by such an arguably disordered person?
Karol VE7KFM in “K1MAN: Time for a Strategy” on 14 May ‘06
In the "PS" Brian states that the data for the so-called experiment was "posted courtesy of a friend", at:
Most interestingly, if one shortens the above URL by removing in effect only the 5btv reference, thus:
surprise, surprise, one gets to [wait for it...] the infamous and unattributed Centre for Media Studies Public Interest Research Group (CMSPIRG) Webpage, obscene links and all that he posted on 16 February!
But, I suppose that the 'fine' question remains: is CMSPIRG authored by Brian K3VR or by his good "friend", who just happens to use his call-sign in the URL--with or without permission, HI.... Maybe this "friend" is Matthew GRAVES, or Herr Professor Dr. Jonas X. HASENFUS, or James DOOHAN, or.... But, I digress.
Karol VE7KFM exposing the provenance of CMSPIRG in Brian’s “Hap Holly on K1MAN” on eHAM 17 May ‘06
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
No disrespect, but you obviously have A LOT of time on your hands. I would call the numerous postings that you have made around the Internet, regarding Baxter, as a complete infatuation with K1MAN.
I'm aware of the legal battle going on amongst the two of you. I have read the legal documents posted on the Internet regarding the legal suit.........Amazing stuff. Life is just too short for these kind of legal headaches, I would think.
This whole situation makes me laugh. Two grown men firing back & forth using verbal, text & now legal barrages to try to be the "winner" of an asinine dispute.........Again, amazing stuff.
I'm PROUD that I'm a 100% CW operator. You will never hear about this kind of crap going on in the CW portions of the bands.
Good luck,
Tom kcØw
Tom KC0W to Brian ‘Infatuated’ K3VR in his “EXPENSIVE ENFORCEMENT ACTION” on 4 Feb ‘06
The rules of the road of are as follows:
No profanity
No obscenities
No personal attacks [ß Observed in the breach by Psycho Brian, for which, see below.]
Glen, K9STH
One of the moderators
Glen K9STH to Brian [after his 1,147 posts] in “EXPENSIVE ENFORCEMENT ACTION” on 5 Feb ‘06
No disrespect, but you obviously have A LOT of time on your hands. I would call the numerous postings that you have made around the Internet, regarding Baxter, as a complete infatuation with K1MAN.
I'm aware of the legal battle going on amongst the two of you. I have read the legal documents posted on the Internet regarding the legal suit.........Amazing stuff. Life is just too short for these kind of legal headaches, I would think.
This whole situation makes me laugh. Two grown men firing back & forth using verbal, text & now legal barrages to try to be the "winner" of an asinine dispute.........Again, amazing stuff.
I'm PROUD that I'm a 100% CW operator. You will never hear about this kind of crap going on in the CW portions of the bands.
Good luck,
Tom kcØw
Tom KC0W to Brian ‘Infatuated’ K3VR in his “EXPENSIVE ENFORCEMENT ACTION” on 4 Feb ‘06
The rules of the road of are as follows:
No profanity
No obscenities
No personal attacks [ß Observed in the breach by Psycho Brian, for which, see below.]
Glen, K9STH
One of the moderators
Glen K9STH to Brian [after his 1,147 posts] in “EXPENSIVE ENFORCEMENT ACTION” on 5 Feb ‘06
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Anything about Glenn K1MAN [as well as his "supposed supporters"] overtly but especially covertly authored by Brian K3VR can--and on the evidence here on eHAM alone clearly has been--damaging to the mental and emotional health of American radio amateurs....
Not every enemy of one's enemy is one's friend....
Not every friend of one's enemy is one's enemy....
Brian is 'waaay too tightly wound' around the K1MAN axle....
Karol VE7KFM prescient post [quickly removed] in Brian’s “Hap Holly on K1MAN” on 18 Jan ‘06
Most amateurs have likely heard of electronic bias.
But, it would appear that most of the posters herein, with the notable exception of KB1FZA, K4RAF and possibly KE4TEW [I'm not sure of the last, because his post appears to have 'disparued'], have not heard of common bias or for that matter critical reading/thinking....
Bias involves unfair influence [look it up in the dictionary]. Bias/unfair influence connotes dishonesty. When bias in everyday dealings is unavoidable, as it sometimes is, it should be disclosed....
But, because bias is such an insidious thing, especially when undisclosed/covert [as it usually is generally and in this article/posts in particular], it is well settled at law that a mere apprehension of bias is disqualifying, especially in judicial/quasi-judicial proceedings....
This article [which already is an unprecedented 'second kick at the cat'] and the numerous posts herein by Brian K3VR, both overtly identified and arguably also written under the 'nom de plume' [would the real AM'er please stand up], are replete with actual bias, self-dealing and worse....
As such, it and the other Articles/posts by Brian arguably are an insult to all semi-thinking radio amateurs along the lines of: 'you can fool most people most of the time'....
For an exercise booklet on critical writing/reading/thinking, request "THE LIFE of RILEY" from using an overt e-mail address.
Neither a friend nor an enemy of K1MAN.
Karol in K3VR’s “Petition to Deny K1MAN's License” on 18 Jan ’06 [disparued]
Anything about Glenn K1MAN [as well as his "supposed supporters"] overtly but especially covertly authored by Brian K3VR can--and on the evidence here on eHAM alone clearly has been--damaging to the mental and emotional health of American radio amateurs....
Not every enemy of one's enemy is one's friend....
Not every friend of one's enemy is one's enemy....
Brian is 'waaay too tightly wound' around the K1MAN axle....
Karol VE7KFM prescient post [quickly removed] in Brian’s “Hap Holly on K1MAN” on 18 Jan ‘06
Most amateurs have likely heard of electronic bias.
But, it would appear that most of the posters herein, with the notable exception of KB1FZA, K4RAF and possibly KE4TEW [I'm not sure of the last, because his post appears to have 'disparued'], have not heard of common bias or for that matter critical reading/thinking....
Bias involves unfair influence [look it up in the dictionary]. Bias/unfair influence connotes dishonesty. When bias in everyday dealings is unavoidable, as it sometimes is, it should be disclosed....
But, because bias is such an insidious thing, especially when undisclosed/covert [as it usually is generally and in this article/posts in particular], it is well settled at law that a mere apprehension of bias is disqualifying, especially in judicial/quasi-judicial proceedings....
This article [which already is an unprecedented 'second kick at the cat'] and the numerous posts herein by Brian K3VR, both overtly identified and arguably also written under the 'nom de plume' [would the real AM'er please stand up], are replete with actual bias, self-dealing and worse....
As such, it and the other Articles/posts by Brian arguably are an insult to all semi-thinking radio amateurs along the lines of: 'you can fool most people most of the time'....
For an exercise booklet on critical writing/reading/thinking, request "THE LIFE of RILEY" from using an overt e-mail address.
Neither a friend nor an enemy of K1MAN.
Karol in K3VR’s “Petition to Deny K1MAN's License” on 18 Jan ’06 [disparued]
Friday, October 1, 2010
This is a true story. [ß We know, Brian. But is the story true?] I corresponded with Senator Schneider about this myself. However, I doubt the Maine Senate will actually do anything about censuring Baxter, or creating a law preventing people from using Legislative sentiments in advertising. [ß So why the inflammatory title & commentary from afar as “Matthew GRAVES” on Southgate?]
Psycho K3VR in his ‘Maine Senator Considers Scratching Her Cunt…’ on 18 Nov ‘05
I can tell you that Brian is one hell of a genius in psychology [sic], rendering my psychological musings child's play. You are certainly right when you say he sets up institutes and pseudonyms [sic], but don't many of us? [ß Actually Boob, No. “Normal” people don’t operate behind FRAUDulent/fictitious “institutes” and multiple pseudonyms.]
‘Bi-Polar Boob’ W4ASX playing psychologist/psychiatrist, e-mail to Glenn K1MAN cc K3VR 18 Nov ’05
We live in a openly depraved society where everyone "acts" shocked at something "they" don't agree with. You have Howard Stern on the air, satellite or otherwise getting big PR and he is nothing but the epitome of depravity yet millions celebrate him. So how can this silly little topic even be read with a hint of seriousness to it.
Glenn Baxter pisses people off and some hams [K3VR] want him dead. Look in your on back yard, clean it up and then come back and bitch, until then, you're all wind bags. [This is another inflammatory title, commentary & posts from afar as “Matthew GRAVES” on Southgate.]
Curt K3EY in Brian’s “Glenn Baxter, ex-K1MAN Asked to Apologize for Racial Slurs” on 10 Dec ‘05
What Does Baxter Think? [ß After my critique that even Glenn may not know, changed to “What Does Baxter Say?” HI.]
Brian ‘Clairvoyant CROW’ K3VR in “Glenn Baxter k1man” on ~mid-Dec ‘05
Madera can often be heard on 14.275 mHz offering anyone and everyone an essay which attempts to explain his various unsubstantiated conspiracy theories. [ß OK…. If they were substantiated, Brian, they would NOT be theories!]
Brian ‘Dimmi CROW’ K3VR in “Glenn Baxter k1man” on ~mid-Dec ‘05
Psycho K3VR in his ‘Maine Senator Considers Scratching Her Cunt…’ on 18 Nov ‘05
I can tell you that Brian is one hell of a genius in psychology [sic], rendering my psychological musings child's play. You are certainly right when you say he sets up institutes and pseudonyms [sic], but don't many of us? [ß Actually Boob, No. “Normal” people don’t operate behind FRAUDulent/fictitious “institutes” and multiple pseudonyms.]
‘Bi-Polar Boob’ W4ASX playing psychologist/psychiatrist, e-mail to Glenn K1MAN cc K3VR 18 Nov ’05
We live in a openly depraved society where everyone "acts" shocked at something "they" don't agree with. You have Howard Stern on the air, satellite or otherwise getting big PR and he is nothing but the epitome of depravity yet millions celebrate him. So how can this silly little topic even be read with a hint of seriousness to it.
Glenn Baxter pisses people off and some hams [K3VR] want him dead. Look in your on back yard, clean it up and then come back and bitch, until then, you're all wind bags. [This is another inflammatory title, commentary & posts from afar as “Matthew GRAVES” on Southgate.]
Curt K3EY in Brian’s “Glenn Baxter, ex-K1MAN Asked to Apologize for Racial Slurs” on 10 Dec ‘05
What Does Baxter Think? [ß After my critique that even Glenn may not know, changed to “What Does Baxter Say?” HI.]
Brian ‘Clairvoyant CROW’ K3VR in “Glenn Baxter k1man” on ~mid-Dec ‘05
Madera can often be heard on 14.275 mHz offering anyone and everyone an essay which attempts to explain his various unsubstantiated conspiracy theories. [ß OK…. If they were substantiated, Brian, they would NOT be theories!]
Brian ‘Dimmi CROW’ K3VR in “Glenn Baxter k1man” on ~mid-Dec ‘05
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