Friday, September 17, 2010

K3VR, well this guy is just an idiot without much of a signal, but likes to keep shit stirred up.

“QRZdotCOM” on 4 Nov ‘04

I happen to believe jamming Canadian Boy Scouts degrades international good will. [ß But, a US Gang jamming a lone Canadian is not only OK, but actually sanctioned by the FCC, for which see Brian’s posts ~Jul ’08 below.]

Brian ‘Hypocrite CROW’ K3VR in “QRZ Criticized Over Refusal to List K1MAN” on 4 Nov ‘04

If you care about the hobby, don't just turn the dial! [ß But, Riley says “Turn the Big Knob”…. I’m confused, Psycho.]

“Brian” the ‘Professional FCC Snitch’ NOT in sync with Riley, in “The K1MAN Controversy” on 21 Nov ‘04

Check out if you haven't yet heard K1MAN's apparent violations regarding pecuniary interest and obscenity. I recorded these files personally, and there are lots more where those came from.

Brian ‘Radio COP’ CROW K3VR in “K1MAN: Time for a Startegy” on 9 Dec ‘04

You believe Glenn Baxter?
Tell me Frank, are you from this planet?

Brian ‘Sarcastic CROW’ K3VR [= only comment] in “FCC K1MAN Station Inspection Results” on 10 Dec ‘04

I like Newsline and ARRL Audio News. Unfortunately they're packaged as part of the K1MAN bulletin.
So, I go to the internet to listen to them, and I report the apparent violations I hear in the Glenn Baxter portions, to the FCC.

Brian ‘STASI/Snitch CROW’ K3VR in “Are K1MAN Bulletins Useful?” on 10 Dec ‘04

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The above was written by VE7KFM, Karol Florian Madera, the noted psychopath, military imposter, liar and pedophile from 14.313.

Have more regard for a piece of dogshit on the sidewalk than the insane ramblings of this failure.