Thursday, April 30, 2009

gordo to kb9rqz and back

I do NOT approve of the guys here in the US that deliberately QRM someone else. YES, you know who you are and so do the rest of us. If little old me from southern California knows, then I am sure a smart fellow like Riley knows as well. Riley needs to step up and start cleaning house here in the US.
It's time he starts taking licenses for it, don't you agree?

Gordon N6WK [no friend/who occasionally is “used” by Brian] in “Is 14.275 Mhz normal amateur radio?” on 9 Apr ‘08

No, Gordon. It is well past time that RH started taking licenses. Nor am I as certain that RH is bright enough to know. Years in Gov’t service, traveling to hamfests at public expense (a nice job I’d take myself, if I could get it), does tend to dull the mind….

Mark KB9RQZ in “Comments on Karol’s Quotes” 10 Apr ‘08

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