Sunday, November 2, 2008

regards from vk2bvs

  • Hello Brian,

    Thanks for the message,
    Ham Radio brings people together. Sometimes it’s possible, sometimes not but I have never given up trying.
    You will find me with the people others don’t want to talk to. I want to talk to everyone.
    My hobby teaches me to CQ CQ CQ to all the world.
    It is not in my make up to shun any peoples, any religion, any country.
    If I can bring people together because I am the only one willing to talk to them then I will be pleased to help.
    The first to have no sins can cast the first stone. I am not into throwing stones at any person, I would rather talk to them face to face.
    I am not into
    shunning people. I am into trying to understand people. This is very hard unless you meet people face to face.
    I am into HAM Helping All Mankind.
    I leave the shunning of people and stoning of people to others. [ß You were much too kind to Psycho Brian, Sam.]
    After you tell everything honestly you can do as much to affect ALL people as Jesus Christ could do and he still got “stoned”.
    In the end we must take our own path not because it’s easy and everyone will like us but because that path is one which is true to one's self.
    The world is made up of those who like people and want to help everyone and those who don’t.
    I have chosen the path to help all people a long time ago.

    Sam Voron

Sam VK2BVS to Brian ‘Shunner CROW’ K3VR in “Iraq - weeks to go - what are hams doing?” On 25 Feb ‘03

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