Wednesday, July 30, 2008

post 226
amsuing how mike is entitled in your mind to due process but Karol is not

again Crow insists that he is privy to some secret set of ruling from IC

after all only IC can deal with Karol if Karol is violating rule the FCC lacks the right to say so

post 226
I don't like some of Mike's behavior, and I'm the first one to tell him that, however, to answer the questions about KZ8O, the FCC sent him letters. They didn't "verify" anything. In order to verify infractions, FCC field agents need to perform an inspection and take measurements on site while a station is transmitting, confirming any alleged infractions. It simply never happened. Also, there is no "maximum bandwidth" in law for an SSB signal. Everyone is reminded that any so-called infractions remain unproven until a jury hands down a verdict.

He's never received a Notice of Liability, or a Notice of Forfeiture. If he had received a Forfeiture, he'd have his day in court like anyone else. As I said before, without due process, there's no crime, and no foul. The FCC dropped any contemplated action once they became more familiar with the problem in Canada and after Mike's excellent performance, saving lives during Hurricane Katrina. Matter of fact, he has "job well done" letters from SATERN and the FCC. How many of us can say the same?

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