Thursday, July 31, 2008

I think I struck a nerve. What exactly do you mean by "full disclosure"? This is a silly hobbyist forum, it isn't a court of law. Get serious will you -- and stop jamming everybody on 14.275. I am an American, and I believe in freedom of speech. It's quite obvious that you do not, which puts your patriotism into doubt. Real Americans are willing to die for our freedoms -- you want to muzzle someone because you can't mount a strong argument against what he has to say. That is despicable. Freedom of speech is almost absolute, and is one of our most cherished freedoms. You and your friends come on frequency and attempt to jam VE7KFM whenever he's on. I have never witnessed a bunch of cowards like you and your friends before. And, I won't put up with it. I will not be bullied.

Bill K3TP’s broadside to Psycho Brian CROW K3VR in “14.275 MHz” on 26 Jul ‘08

again what happened to incoent till proven guilty

num 213

again why is karol who is not subject to US regs not even enttited to be held inocent till accused let alone conviected of anything

num 213

Why is that, you ask?

Because in our country we have jury trials to decide FCC forfeitures, they are conducted by the DoJ. There is a lower dollar limit, under which, the DoJ will not become involved. A fine for talking over the fruitcake won't cut it.

Furthermore, does anyone think a US jury is going to convict someone for talking over a foul mouthed Canadian libeler who threatened the US Ambassador, who incites individuals to murder others, and who also calls on al Qaeda to murder Americans? All of the above are known as "affirmative defenses" plus about 20 more I can think of, just off the top of my head.

Sorry; only a tiny handful of the pro-fruitcake crowd even see this as an issue. Now, the unidentified music, jamming, etc., yes, that's an embarassment, but I still wouldn't want to see US tax dollars spent on tracking these people down.

The enforcement system is too costly, not worth the trouble in the majority of cases, and it takes too long. It's a waste of tax dollars to chase down a guy who's probably drunk and living in a trailer while living his dream of being Wolfman Jack. If he's on 275 he's not interfering with emergency comms and that's a good place for him.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

post 112
the FCC informs YOU Mr Crow
but does not make this avalable to public

you know that might be a crime you are claiming the fcc has done

post 112

Apparently you failed to read/comprehend my last post Dave. The FCC has informed me that KFM's transmissions are classified as HARMFUL INTERFERENCE in this country. Go back and re-read what I wrote. In a nutshell, it's not illegal to talk over and ignore harmful interference.

k3vr the vigalante byt his own words

post 212

gee Crow its eesm well aplied to ME you insist Mike is entitled todue process before being declared a criminal but Karol is Not

post 212
The word vigilante is grossly misapplied here.

Definition: A vigilante is a person who ignores due process of law and enacts their own form of justice in response to a perception of insufficient response by the authorities.

I'll go over the fine points again:

#1. As Jeff mentioned, the FCC will not respond to complaints by or on behalf of VE7KFM. That's the first response by our authorities.

#2. Under FCC rules, interpreted by the FCC, his transmissions constitute harmful interference. That's a second response by our authorities.

#3. The FCC special counsel said to "ignore the fruitcake" at the FCC's Dayton forum. That's a 3rd response by our authorities.

#4. The FCC has taken no action against anyone engaged in a legitimate qso, who is using his callsign, and talking over the fruitcake. That's a 4th response by our authorities.

#5. The FCC has taken action against numerous individuals in support of the fruitcake. That's a 5th response by our authorities and that's more than enough for me to see the forest through the trees.

#6. Industry Canada doesn't care and they don't want to get involved. That's a direct quote. Whatever they think is a moot point in the US.

Finally, using mere common sense, the FCC isn't going to sanction someone for talking over the fruitcake.
post 226
amsuing how mike is entitled in your mind to due process but Karol is not

again Crow insists that he is privy to some secret set of ruling from IC

after all only IC can deal with Karol if Karol is violating rule the FCC lacks the right to say so

post 226
I don't like some of Mike's behavior, and I'm the first one to tell him that, however, to answer the questions about KZ8O, the FCC sent him letters. They didn't "verify" anything. In order to verify infractions, FCC field agents need to perform an inspection and take measurements on site while a station is transmitting, confirming any alleged infractions. It simply never happened. Also, there is no "maximum bandwidth" in law for an SSB signal. Everyone is reminded that any so-called infractions remain unproven until a jury hands down a verdict.

He's never received a Notice of Liability, or a Notice of Forfeiture. If he had received a Forfeiture, he'd have his day in court like anyone else. As I said before, without due process, there's no crime, and no foul. The FCC dropped any contemplated action once they became more familiar with the problem in Canada and after Mike's excellent performance, saving lives during Hurricane Katrina. Matter of fact, he has "job well done" letters from SATERN and the FCC. How many of us can say the same?

crow spouting insanity

number 253
again we have crow claiming that some secert ruling of the FCC allows him to qrm both Karol and OTHER hams like kb9rqz

and to claim IC ius afraid of being sued and that him suing is regarded as insane

god Brain please better than this

number 253
Wrong. What I wrote is that the FCC regards his transmissions as "harmful interference" under 47CFR97.3(23) and it is impossible to interfere with harmful interference because it has the same status as static. Don't put words in my mouth or try to interpret what I wrote.

Also, IC has not done anything because the head of IC Victoria is afraid KFM will sue over IC trying to restrain his freedom of speech. Everyone in authority here and many in Canada regard that notion as ludicrous.
Those, who aren't really defending him [VE7KFM], but are pointing out that a lot of the interference is coming from the United States and NOT Canada, are attacked by BRIAN CROW K3VR and his misfits. IF anyone is a FRAUD AND A LIAR it is BRIAN CROW K3VR and his Bath-house Buddies.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

How in the world can anarchists unite? If they unite, they are no longer anarchists, as they have their own 'government.' Anarchists are every man for himself. [ß Bravo Ed! Quick, tell Brian & Condi ‘Douchebag’ RICE.]

Ed W5HTW to Bryan ‘Useful Idiot’ AC4BB in his “VE7KFM makes terroristic threats to america” on 27 Jul ‘08

Monday, July 28, 2008

Todd N9OGL pissed off at Psycho Brian & Co. [for again knocking him off the WWW] on 9 Jun ‘08
Don't look now, but there are TWO 14.275 threads going on the 'Zed at the same time! Go figure the odds...

John N8YX [no friend of mine & too close to hear K3VR & KZ8O] in “14.275” on 23 Jul ‘08
Karol has been making terrorist threats for years. [ß Cal, I hope Al Qaeda cuts your nuts off before you fuck your 1st queer.]

Cal K0DXC [a 13 yr old] in “VE7KFM makes terroristic threats to america” on 28 Jul ‘08

Thursday, July 24, 2008

hey dan you piad that bad check yet