Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Pretty funny stuff. Grown men bleating like sheep at each other from the safety of their own homes across an international border. When my kids get out of hand I say girls, girls, and make them take a time out in separate chairs in the kitchen. Do we really want Riley to preside over a couple fruits bitch slapping each other over ham radio?? I'd bet he has more important matters to contend with.
My question, "Who Cares?" [ß It’s obvious after 6+ years—see below & elsewhere—that YOU do, Psycho!]
My next question, "Did anyone really read that blowhard's 10,000 word rant?
For those with a sense of humor, check out:
Brian ‘Girlie-Man’ CROW K3VR posting as GAY1MAN [!] in “The Life of Riley” on eHAM.net 30 Sep ‘03

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