Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Having said that, don't mistake my advice to you. I don't really believe that anyone cares about your opinion one way or the other Charlie.

A sarcastic Brian ‘The Fraudulent Saint’ K3VR in “Ever Wonder??” on QRZ.com 27 Aug ‘07

Charlie… I hope you'll consider my advice to stop belittling newcomers…. Picking on others even in jest is no way to build cameraderie [sic] in the service. Likewise, sabotaging other people's interests and discussions is no way to make friends, here, or on the air. [Hypocrite!!!]

Brian ‘Psycho’ K3VR in “Ever Wonder??” on QRZ.com 27 Aug ’07 [but see the next—‘do as I say, not as I do’ and note the date

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