Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Mr. Crow's busy safeguarding our nation from enemies foreign and domestic, which is one reason he's being attacked by an affiliate of al Qaeda. [ß I hope Al Qaeda drives your teeth out your asshole, Brian.]

Brian ‘Psycho’ K3VR ‘Crowing’ about himself & “enemies” fictitious & contrived on Rolville USA 13 Dec ‘07

Now take your head out of your ass and go piss up your own rope. [ß Lovely, Brian.]
You’re dismissed [ß N.B. Brian’s SOP diction when he’s losing.] and any further mail into this box will be considered unsolicited and will be dealt with via the appropriate isps. [ß N.B. Only Brian is allowed to SPAM, apparently.]
Now pass that along to your buddy.

Brian ‘I Squat to Pee’ CROW K3VR from threatening Gordon/Tom 16 Dec ‘07

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

As usual, Karol Madera and his band of militant leftist homosexuals prance about the internet defaming innocents. [Brian & Co. are many things, but certainly NOT “innocents”. Note also the typical hyper homo-sexual diction.]

Brian ‘The Innocent CROW’ K3VR posing as “Sophie” [my Mother’s name] on Rolville USA ~20 Nov ’07

Sunday, June 27, 2010

I believe I've convinced Riley Hollingsworth to hang around a bit longer. We need him to deal with a few remaining high profile problems in amateur radio. He's going to be around for a long time to come... sorry, Karol. [ß I don’t consider 8 mo. a “long time”, Brian.]

Brian ‘Riley’s FRAUDulent Snitch’ CROW K3VR wishful thinking in DXLD 2 Nov ‘07

Daugherty should be avoided like the plague….
Want to hear Todd Daugherty (N9OGL/Omega Radio) in action, listen to this (A complete meltdown on the air)
You will cringe when you hear it. There are vulgarities. Rants against the FCC. The clip is 2.5 minutes long. Everyone should be warned about this loose cannon.
More information about N9OGL by those who had to deal with him can be found here: ….
I see he's also a friend of an al qaeda supporter. What a suprise [sic]….
He's not being targeted because he's a pirate. No one cares. He's being targeted because he's a creep and a moron. [ß So why were you posting here? Also, being “a creep and a moron” (IYNSHO) is worse than being a “friend of qaeda”? Thanks, Brian!]

Brian ‘Psycho CROW’ K3VR anonymously on “The PiratesWeek Podcast” 4 Nov ‘07
I believe I've convinced Riley Hollingsworth to hang around a bit longer. We need him to deal with a few remaining high profile problems in amateur radio. He's going to be around for a long time to come... sorry, Karol. [ß I don’t consider 8 mo. a “long time”, Brian.]

Brian ‘Riley’s FRAUDulent Snitch’ CROW K3VR wishful thinking in DXLD 2 Nov ‘07

Daugherty should be avoided like the plague….
Want to hear Todd Daugherty (N9OGL/Omega Radio) in action, listen to this (A complete meltdown on the air)
You will cringe when you hear it. There are vulgarities. Rants against the FCC. The clip is 2.5 minutes long. Everyone should be warned about this loose cannon.
More information about N9OGL by those who had to deal with him can be found here: ….
I see he's also a friend of an al qaeda supporter. What a suprise [sic]….
He's not being targeted because he's a pirate. No one cares. He's being targeted because he's a creep and a moron. [ß So why were you posting here? Also, being “a creep and a moron” (IYNSHO) is worse than being a “friend of qaeda”? Thanks, Brian!]

Brian ‘Psycho CROW’ K3VR anonymously on “The PiratesWeek Podcast” 4 Nov ‘07

Friday, June 25, 2010

Yes, I'd like very much to help Ed with his problems. From antenna issues, to rules interpretation... and, well, you name it. My door is always open to anyone with a sincere desire for self-improvement.

Brian ‘The Hypocrite’ K3VR’s irrational/off-topic comments in “Who has trouble with the 15m trap” on 21 Oct ’07

You see, once a group of complainants becomes known as 'problem children' or hypocrites or falsifiers of evidence…the [Authorities] will ignore their complaints. You can't use a witness who has been proven to have no credibility in a Federal [or any other] case. Even MY grandmother knows that!

Brian CROW K3VR subliminally commenting about himself and Ed’s G-Ma in “FCC’s Riley Hollingsworth to Retire” 25 Oct ‘07

This is why "Mothers Against Canada" exists. Some Canadian ham with the call ve7kfm and a really tabloid web site is claiming that the FCC has threatened Todd with loss of license and loss of freedom for illegal short wave broadcasting. There is no corroborating evidence on either the FCC or the ARRL web sites (yet), but ve7kfm either has a scoop at or else has set himself up for a nasty libel suit. [Huhh??? Actually, Psycho’s “New Brunswick” ‘spoof’/droll self-promotion/180 degree phase-shift, stirring shit, again.]

“DeLorean” [~‘PsyOps’ Brian K3VR] in “N9OGL to lose his license and go to prison?” on 30 Oct ‘07

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

That's the kind of BS I'd expect to hear from a fruitcake eating CBer, or a newbie who lives in his grandma's basement. [Bravo “Darkhorse” (ß Brian’s instructive CB ‘handle’) with his ‘trademark’ snide remarks.]

Brian ‘The Model Amateur’ K3VR taking another swipe at Ed KB3JGU in “bad freq? 14.275” on 21 Oct ’07

Ed, you need to find an elmer other than VE7KFM. [ß Brian mimicking Charlie AG4YO’s quip to Calvin K0DXC.]

Brian ‘The Helpful HAM’ K3VR’s sarcastic comment in Ed’s “Who has trouble with the 15m trap” on 21 Oct ’07

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Stop squeaking you little mouse. It's not a threat Gordy, I'll sue you for libel and I'll own every thing in your miserable hovel. Trust me.

“Brian C” e-mail to Gordon N6WK [after his simple note to Brian not to threaten or e-mail him again] 30 Aug ‘07

I tried to warn you that you were treading on thin ice! Now, your beloved thread has been deleted! From this point on, any emails from you will be forwarded directly to my friend Karol just for your pleasure! Do not ever email me again. If you do I will report it as harassment or stalking! I am a subscriber and you are cheap scum. I will have you tossed off and I will post about you every day for your discomfort! You have been warned and the ball is in your court.

Gordon’s purported e-mail to Brian 30 Aug ’07 as FRAUDulently altered by Brian CROW K3VR, JPG undated

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I called the FCC and asked them to pinpoint my beacon, which they did in under 2 minutes….

Brian K3VR in “Trash on 14.275” on 30 Aug ’07 [so why the 6+ years w/o results re: the jammers on 14.275 ?]

I don't hear much on 275 either, until Karol Madera gets on. Then I generally hear him blaming his critics for jamming him. [ß Whom would you have me blame? My correspondents? FUCKTARD!]

Brian ‘Fucktard CROW’ K3VR is the “Trash on 14.275” on 30 Aug ’07

The very next time you accuse me of threatening you, or otherwise attempt to defame me, for any reason, or, if any of this crap you spewed tonight is republished in Canada, you will hear from my attorney. [ß It was republished….]
“Brian C” e-mail to Gordon N6WK 30 Aug ‘07

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Junior, why don't you crawl back down to the cellar and write another email to your Unkle [sic] Karol?

Brian K3VR belittling Ed a ~‘newbie’, after he posted only ~20 innocuous words in “Ever Wonder??” on 27 Aug ‘07

Dating from 2002, there are sixty different open topics mentioning VE7KFM.
I started four of the sixty topics; [ß Not true. Also, false modesty does not become Brian. FRAUD does….]

one of VE7KFM's friends (now banned) posted one; and N9PH [ß since also banned] posted several more.

As of today, the open topics have been viewed over 200,000 times. [ß Nice round, if still very suspect number….]

One-hundred-thirty-one open topics mention K1MAN.

I stopped counting the number of times those topics were viewed when I reached 500,000. [Ditto, above.]

K1MAN was discussed extensively in AA7BQ's nine page thread, which was viewed 36,860 times. [ß A mere trifle! In “VE7KFM is on” I was discussed in 24 pages—and ~100 times by Brian personally, without any retort! Bravo!]

Brian ‘The Obsessed CROW’ K3VR in “The Official VE7KFM and K1MAN Thread” on 28 Aug ‘07

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Having said that, don't mistake my advice to you. I don't really believe that anyone cares about your opinion one way or the other Charlie.

A sarcastic Brian ‘The Fraudulent Saint’ K3VR in “Ever Wonder??” on 27 Aug ‘07

Charlie… I hope you'll consider my advice to stop belittling newcomers…. Picking on others even in jest is no way to build cameraderie [sic] in the service. Likewise, sabotaging other people's interests and discussions is no way to make friends, here, or on the air. [Hypocrite!!!]

Brian ‘Psycho’ K3VR in “Ever Wonder??” on 27 Aug ’07 [but see the next—‘do as I say, not as I do’ and note the date

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I've only heard him once above S-5 at my PA location, and he has an awful signal -- the worst sounding signal on 20 meters. [s-5 is better than the previous s4…. Press for Brian’s 3rd report. LIAR!]

Brian ‘The Fraudulent CROW’ K3VR lying as usual in “K1MAN and N9OGL…” on 21 Aug ‘07

Actually, we should thank Karol because he attracts all the worst hams to the same frequency….

Brian CROW K3VR in “Threads About Infamous Amateurs…” on 22 Aug ’07

Friday, June 11, 2010

Question: what can/should be done regarding this dude? Choices: more complaints; letters; jamming. [Brian’s “poll” after his signature “Check out” URL. Are you still advocating jamming, Brian???]

Brian K3VR posting as “US Patriot” [ß yeah, right!] in “ANTI-AMERICAN BROADCASTS” on 28 Jun ‘07

· For all who might have listened to the station EA1AET/W4 operating on 14275 from the Florida Keys; he says his name is Joe. He is using an illegal licence to talk with Karol Madera, VE7KFM…. The real EA1AET is an XYL…. So be careful who you talk with! Latest up date shows that EA1AET/W4 has also been using the call N9PH. Is THAT his real call, or has he stolen another one?

Very odd ‘Bio’ [surreptitiously put up by Brian ‘Psycho CROW’ K3VR] for EA1AET on as of 10 Aug ‘07

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Junior, here's another one you need to remove. The defamatory statement(s) on qrz and republished at are defamatory and will result in a civil suit of defamation per se if not removed and an apology published on by 5PM tomorrow. [ß Nothing heard/seen, OVER.]

Brian’s continuing threats to Ed [after Ed’s report of previous threats on QRZ, above, was published here] 25 Jun ‘07

Monday, June 7, 2010

As predicted Junior. This puts the icing on the cake. You're going to pay me for this one too. Hope it was worth it. Ask Karol if he'll loan you the $$ for a good attorney. See what he says. [Karol says: Go pound sand; piss up a rope; go suck off Riley!]

Brian’s continuing tirade to Ed [after his QRZ comments were re-published here] 25 Jun ‘07

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Why don't you check with Riley if you think I was 'making it up' you moron. You know nothing about the enforcement situation and you're only making it worse in your defense of Madera and your criticism of the FCC and OO's on qrz. Grow the fuck up already!

Brian’s continuing ‘terms of endearment’ to Ed 25 Jun ’07 [Pot/kettle: Grow the fuck up yourself already, Brian!]

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ed, You have about 30 seconds to remove your comment from qrz calling me a liar and a fraud and to make a complete and unreserved apology or I'm going to slap you with the biggest defamation per se lawsuit you ever saw. You'll be giving me your paychecks for years. I put up with Karol's crap because he has nothing of interest and he's in a foreign jurisdiction, but you are in my jurisdiction. This is a good lesson for your 'journalism career.' The smartest thing you could do would be to forget my name and callsign from now on. [Take your own advice, Brian, you Psycho.]
Brian K3VR’s 1st threatening e-mail to Ed KB3JGU 25 Jun ‘07

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Pretty funny stuff. Grown men bleating like sheep at each other from the safety of their own homes across an international border. When my kids get out of hand I say girls, girls, and make them take a time out in separate chairs in the kitchen. Do we really want Riley to preside over a couple fruits bitch slapping each other over ham radio?? I'd bet he has more important matters to contend with.
My question, "Who Cares?" [ß It’s obvious after 6+ years—see below & elsewhere—that YOU do, Psycho!]
My next question, "Did anyone really read that blowhard's 10,000 word rant?
For those with a sense of humor, check out:
Brian ‘Girlie-Man’ CROW K3VR posting as GAY1MAN [!] in “The Life of Riley” on 30 Sep ‘03