Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hello Canadian Socialist,

So I hear you starting to speak out me [sic] on the air now. [ß Henglish speeke muuch?]
You must think you are getting a lot of attention.
Oh yes you will be very soon, and more then [sic] a knock on the door.
Maybe I’ll visit you in your nice and cozy Canadian jail cell?
But that is after I pay you a personal visit myself.
Don’t worry I will not just drive past,, I’ll will [sic] actually stop and say hello.

What is your problem with the NAZI’s
Oh sorry forgot you live in Canada that word if [sic] forbidden, you have no freedom of Speech in Canada.
Love [sic] live the Queen!
Cheers old man.
Remember I am an American not a CHicken [sic] Canadian! [ß We know/it’s too obvious by half….]

Bill Bubba to Karol Magnus Subject: KANUK [sic] from 20 Oct ‘04

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