This mess is quite incredible. Fred takes the prize in lamest excuses and don't give a darn about being fair and objective departments.His posts are awe inspiring in their arrogance. [ß But arguably 2nd only to Brian ‘FRAUDulent Psycho’ CROW K3VR]How anyone can think this place is fair and balanced is beyond me. But I shouldn't be that surprised as these tactics have been used for years. Fredco is just now admitting to their dirty deeds done dirt cheap.
Steven WD0CT [Bravo!] in “Attention Moderators” on 2 May ‘08
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
It was unexpected, Todd, but you blew "Marol" out of the water! He is so fixated on Karol Madera that his obsession led him into error. But then what do you expect of someone who participates in a shrine which was erected to commemorate the hate of Karol Madera (I speak of [])?And you're right about what other hams are realizing: While we may not agree with what you do, we also see [] for the unethical and pathological site that it really is.
“zitazoid” about “Marol” a.k.a. Psycho Brian K3VR in "The Lies the FAKE VE7KFM SITE" on N9OGLvoice 3 May ‘08
“zitazoid” about “Marol” a.k.a. Psycho Brian K3VR in "The Lies the FAKE VE7KFM SITE" on N9OGLvoice 3 May ‘08
Thursday, August 28, 2008
At least he has a job. That's more than some can claim. You guys did a fine job of pushing all the right buttons to make him flip out here, now why not let the game be over and move on. Nothing to see here any more. Time wasted picking fights over the internet if you ask me. There's no honor in it, not one bit. [ß Well said, Tom.]
Tom KC9ECI [a good Mod] about Todd hounded by Brian’s Fucktards VE7DCW & N8GAV in “K1MAN…” on 8 May ‘08
Tom KC9ECI [a good Mod] about Todd hounded by Brian’s Fucktards VE7DCW & N8GAV in “K1MAN…” on 8 May ‘08
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
We have your photo on our web site. Keep calling us dumb, and we will post a picture of you nude that we have. [] always wins in the end. Always. [ß Brian’s Childishness, Hubris & Obsession!]
Brian ‘Juvenile’ CROW K3VR a.k.a. “Manager” to Todd N9OGL in “More Threats…” on The Voice of Amateur Radio 10 May ‘08
Brian ‘Juvenile’ CROW K3VR a.k.a. “Manager” to Todd N9OGL in “More Threats…” on The Voice of Amateur Radio 10 May ‘08
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Wow. What a work of art Fred…. It is all in "fun" to have posts disappear or be rewritten without consent or notice?…My jaw is just dropping….Your post is as if to say "We work hard here to have no credibility, and we are proud of this effort."… If your moderators don't "feel" like moderating, why not relieve them of their duties and find those who do? And not some convicted felon like before. This job should not be a drudgery…. The behavior of a moderator should be beyond reproach. The behavior of the site owner should be many times better than that. It is truly sad that any site owner would allow mediocrity, much less maliciousness. It is definitely one thing to allow leverage to the mods and another to promote crap…. I am like so many others here who are totally blown away by the carelessness of the mods and the classlessness of the site owner. Reading this post by you Fred assures me that you have no desire to further the advancement of amateur radio but rather are an implement of its destruction.I hope you fail.
Jerry N9XR’s principled post to Fred [‘Psycho’ Brian K3VR’s facilitator] in “Attention Moderators” on 13 May ‘08
Jerry N9XR’s principled post to Fred [‘Psycho’ Brian K3VR’s facilitator] in “Attention Moderators” on 13 May ‘08
Sunday, August 24, 2008
I was aghast at Fred's admission of his dishonesty and the dishonesty he promotes amongst his people…. To take pride in these activities and say to your patrons that you enjoy cheating them and lying about them to others is not a normal behavior pattern. [ß ‘Not normal’: ‘Secret Squirrel’ N4DIA, Terry K7FE, ‘Psycho’ Brian K3VR]
Jerry N9XR in “Attention Moderators” on 14 May ‘08
Jerry N9XR in “Attention Moderators” on 14 May ‘08
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Regulars on this newsgroup will remember Kevin Alfred Strom, American Nazi, white supremacist, and muchly-ballyhooed "intellectual of the white supremacist movement." Well, it seems that ol' Kev has finally been sentenced. Let's review the bidding for those who once followed Kevin on the 3950 Liberty Net. 1. Kevin is a life-long loser. He was a well-known Nazi and white supremacist who ingratiated himself with William Pierce, noted American Nazi and general bullshit artist. 2. Kevin presented himself as the "intellectual power" of the white supremacist movement. For details on Kevin, Google him -- I'm not wasting my time on the details. Now, let's explain Lynx and Lamb Gaede. These twin 12-year-old girls are famous among the skinheads, Nazis, and other losers as a "white power" singing duet. They are promoted by their mother, April Gaede, who will go down on anything with a male organ. If you think "talent" means writing songs about "be true to your race" and singing those songs off-key with a guitar that's badly out of tune, then you'll love Lynx and Lamb. It seems that Kevin was discovered by his lard-assed wife, sitting at his computer, naked, jerking off to a photo of Lynx and Lamb -- he had photoshopped their heads onto the bodies of naked women and ol' Kev was spanking the monkey for all he was worth. His big fat wife called the cops who turned it over to the feds when they discovered that Kevin had loaded his computer with kiddie porn. Kevin was recently sentenced to 18 months in the slammer where he will spend his time explaining his views on white supremacy to his cellmates, Tyrone and Ahmed. And that, folks, is what you get with the crowd on 3950. [ß And the “14.275 Mafia”, some of whom are the same….]what I will never forget was K3vr and W4NTI acting like he was their friend till he was busted…. [ß By KB9RQZ]
“PopUlist” in “Remember Kevin Strom???” + cogent quip by Mark KB9RQZ on 15 May ‘08
“PopUlist” in “Remember Kevin Strom???” + cogent quip by Mark KB9RQZ on 15 May ‘08
Friday, August 22, 2008
N1LAF is now spamming the boards over at The Island.He is pissed, rightly I suppose, at this post on Todd's Blog. I am amused esp. after N1LAF was insisting in this thread on The Island that I should ignore attacks against me. Well, it seems the man can't take his own advice! [ß He’s a hypocrite, like the rest of Brian’s “bait-trolling bastards”.]I admit (it is not a noble thing to feel, I fess up) that I am enjoying watching N1LAF's foot pinching on his own advice.
Mark KB9RQZ about Paul N1LAF [one of Brian’s toadies] on his ACCOUNTS OF THE KOSHER HAM 18 May ‘08
Mark KB9RQZ about Paul N1LAF [one of Brian’s toadies] on his ACCOUNTS OF THE KOSHER HAM 18 May ‘08
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Island of Misfit Hams Down For a Security ViolationI do wonder if CROW and Co. posted something there and got the place ToS’ed.That is merely speculation, but given that the efforts of CROW and Co. to get me banned were unsuccessful, I guess the place got trashed. [ß Brian’s SOP]
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I heard VE7KFM on 14.275 last night for the first time. All he seemed to be doing was making innocuous contacts while someone was babbling about liars underneath him talking to a "4" station. I never heard a callsign out of either of the other two. [ß For the Record, they were: K3VR & W4NTI]If those are the anti-KFM types, they're going about the opposition the wrong way. Jamming is jamming…. The frequency sounded like channel 19 on a good skip day.
Dave NX6D’s 1st time [Congratulations!] in “Rebuttal to N9OGL’s accusations” on The Island of Misfit Hams 20 May ‘08
Dave NX6D’s 1st time [Congratulations!] in “Rebuttal to N9OGL’s accusations” on The Island of Misfit Hams 20 May ‘08
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The real funny thing tonight was...... He was talking to a station [Przemek SP1RKZ m/m], whose picture only shows he does CW. Nowhere does it mention he has a ship or boat (seems like you would mention that in a BIO, if you were to be M/M). After talking to about 7 different operators around the country [ß a.k.a. the QRM’ers: K3VR, W4NTI, KZ8O, N1GJT, K3PZ, N8JOX, KI4LUB], some that are in the NW near said station. No one heard the M/M station. I am thinking GHOST right now. [ß Can you ID all 7 (!!!) of Bob’s asinine/clueless observations in this?]
Bob NA4BH [Brian’s toady] demonstrably clueless in “K1MAN and other random nonsense” on 26 May ‘08
Bob NA4BH [Brian’s toady] demonstrably clueless in “K1MAN and other random nonsense” on 26 May ‘08
Monday, August 18, 2008
That small bunch of outcasts [with Brian K3VR at their fore] lives for fighting, bickering, threatening and whining like a bunch of spoiled brats while Riley sits back and does nothing [and worse]…. All this while half a dozen morons pollute 20 meters for over 10 yrs. I hope Riley’s replacement is a fair and impartial enforcer who isn’t blind to facts and very "selective" in his enforcement actions. As much crap as some have gotten away with, it almost makes me wonder who’s getting bought off to look the other way. Selective "enfarcement" [sic] at its finest.
Richard KE4ZHN [no friend of mine] in “FCC’s Hollingsworth Set to Retire…” on 27 May ‘08
Richard KE4ZHN [no friend of mine] in “FCC’s Hollingsworth Set to Retire…” on 27 May ‘08
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Todd rightly pissed at ‘Psycho Brian’ K3VR & Co., for knocking him off the Web, again, on 30 May ‘08
Todd rightly pissed at ‘Psycho Brian’ K3VR & Co., for knocking him off the Web, again, on 30 May ‘08
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Todd: Forget about obscure HF freqs and low power FM. Nobody will hear you. Now if you REALLY want to be heard by the masses of boobs that make up this hobby called 'ham radio' you need to set up shop on 14.275 with daily "Information Bulletins" just like Glen Baxter did on the IARN. Remember him Todd? Seriously dude, if you start to run bulletins on 14.275 like Baxter used to do in VERY short order you will be the most listened to and 'popular' ham on 20 Meters since KV4FZ and 'The Mike and Judy Show'. It's sitting right there on your desk Todd, it's called an HF rig. Plus by taking over 14.275 from the present group of retarded idiots who currently 'nest' here you will be doing us all a big favor. How about it dude?
“EggnogChugaluger” ~private e-mail 1 Jun ‘08
“EggnogChugaluger” ~private e-mail 1 Jun ‘08
Friday, August 15, 2008
The problem is on the U.S. side of the border. Note that the carriers that we hear on 14.275 and 14.273 are coming from Michigan, and not from British Columbia. Note also that the rebroadcasts of VE7KFM are coming from Michigan, and not from British Columbia. Note that the FCC is refusing to take enforcement action on certain amateurs in the United States, who are intentionally jamming 14.275, and are rebroadcasting VE7KFM on 14.275, without ID'ing, and are occasionally broadcasting music on 14.275. I think it would be fair to say that the Federal Communications Commission has demonstrated, without any doubt, that it is refusing to enforce amateur radio (Section 97) rules. All that is required of the FCC is that it pull the licenses and impose monetary forfeitures of the hams that are a) transmitting carriers without identifying on 14.275, b) broadcasting music and tones on 14.275, c) rebroadcasting VE7KFM on 14.275, without identifying, and d) maliciously QRMing VE7KFM and anyone he tries to talk to. Apparently, the FCC is rather gutless, and doesn't want to get involved. That's my take after listening to some of this BS for a year.
Bill K3TP’s only 4th [total] post on ‘QeerZ’ in “Erroneous Email Sparks Petition” on 1 Jun ‘08
Bill K3TP’s only 4th [total] post on ‘QeerZ’ in “Erroneous Email Sparks Petition” on 1 Jun ‘08
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Write Parliament, write to RAC, and to Industry Canada, and demand that they remove this malicious blight which gives a black eye to the otherwise proud and distinguished Canadian Amateur Radio esprit de corps.
Brian ‘L’imbécile CROW’ K3VR failing miserably to ‘gild his lily’ en Français on his FRAUDulent website ‘as if mine’ 4 Jun ‘08
Brian ‘L’imbécile CROW’ K3VR failing miserably to ‘gild his lily’ en Français on his FRAUDulent website ‘as if mine’ 4 Jun ‘08
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
Perhaps if Hollingsworth would do the job he’s paid to do, the bands would be cleaner and free of riff raff intent on starting trouble. Telling us to spin the knob and ignore it is not the solution to the problem. It’s merely his way of passing the buck at our expense. Now that he’s retiring of course he wont bother to do anything (not that he did much before), but I hope his replacement, if there is one, will. The same jammers and morons from 14.313 10 yrs. ago do their bidding every day on 20 mtrs. and RH tells us to spin the knob. You can spin the knob till it falls off and that wont make the idiots go away! Enforcement action with some teeth will. Hint to the FCC, warning letters and idle threats don’t work. Take the offenders’ license away for good!
Richard KE4ZHN [no friend of mine] in “FCC’s Bill Cross, W3TN, Calls Ham Radio ‘Below the Radar’” on 6 Jun ‘08
Richard KE4ZHN [no friend of mine] in “FCC’s Bill Cross, W3TN, Calls Ham Radio ‘Below the Radar’” on 6 Jun ‘08
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
This person has stolen my Identity and is using it to spam the Usenet. This same person is an amateur radio operator [Brian K3VR] who runs a website called [] and These sites promote abusive behavior toward people they do not like, including but not limited to abusing and harassing people, setting up websites for the sole purpose of abusive behavior, having the individuals they don't like kicked off the INTERNET, reporting them to Local and Federal government, including the FCC, the local police, NSA and the FBI, sending letters to the local paper with frivolous information, DOS attacking them and/or blocking their access through different means including Computer Viruses. They have their targets’ websites removed by using those sites’ own flagging system against them. Meanwhile the Federal government and even their local ISP will not do anything about these individuals. Instead they are allowing it. They apparently even have the government’s and their ISP blessing to continue to do it. SO-CALLED civil liberties groups like the ACLU and the EFF don't give a shit that these individuals along with the US GOVERNMENT AND THEIR ISP'S ARE SUPPRESSING FREE SPEECH.Todd Daugherty N9OGL
Todd in “Re: The Voice of Amateur Radio” on 13 Jul ‘08
Todd in “Re: The Voice of Amateur Radio” on 13 Jul ‘08
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Gee Delorean [a.k.a. Brian CROW K3VR], are you and your scum friends at NIM BUSTERS going to trash this site like you did every other site on the Web, including the newsgroups by spamming it? BTW folks, these individuals post this material for the sole purpose of starting flame wars, trashing websites, and attacking individuals they do not like. What was it your buddies said on Todd's website?? Oh "Todd doesn't deserve to be on the INTERNET, and he definitely doesn't deserve a radio license." and you and your little friends at NIM BUSTERS have shown that you are trying to attack him every which way you can. You lied to his ISP or threatened them, you lied to the FCC claiming he lied, you lied to the FBI about him and I know the FBI doesn't like people lying to them. It seems YOU are the ones that need to be removed because of YOUR behavior. Last I heard Todd sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Justice against you guys because of your bad behavior on the Internet. I heard the DOJ doesn't like it when you DOS attack people or send computer viruses over the Internet. Perhaps you’re scared that they are watching you, and here you post this against Todd, bad form. …Oh I also forgot, wasn't it you and the ham operators, who wanted to call Mr. Daugherty’s boss and get him fired from his job?? I think if you’re going to talk about him, you might as well tell people everything you have done to him, after all, what are you afraid of ... the truth? The truth is that you’re abusive individuals who get your nuts off on suppressing peoples’ speech. …Folks that are viewing this topic, I told you that these people can not discuss a topic without being abusive and posting material that is slanderous. This group does it all the time, that's why Mr. Daugherty told me he blocked them from posting on his Blog, because he was sick of what they were posting. So they got mad and complained to Google about his Blog, so now only he is allowed to view it and post on it. These individuals have also threatened to shut down Mr. Daugherty's Yahoo and Google discussion groups. These individual are abusive and DO NOT believe in free speech, unless it is only their own. They CANNOT get on a discussion board or group and be civilized and discuss things like mature people, instead they post slanderous pictures attacking the person. I hope people who read this understand that this abusive behavior needs to stop. …But hey, go ahead BTW the FBI IS watching this thread, and this thread, in my opinion, including the person who started it, is in violation of Terms of Service….So like I said Fake Fox Smith [a.k.a. Brian CROW K3VR], who uses proxies, by all means go for it. [ß Since then, resounding silence!]
Fox Smith in “Taylorville Man's Web Sites Blocked by Google” on 16-18 Jul ‘08
Fox Smith in “Taylorville Man's Web Sites Blocked by Google” on 16-18 Jul ‘08
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
If you have never listened to 14.275 in the evening, try it and get an ear full of the worst in ham radio…. Why are those people there, trying to jam this Canadian ham who was on the freq.? Just a reminder that to purposely talk over a station already [on] is not only illegal, it's just plain discourteous. But I guess that's why hardly anyone gives their call signs….Would be nice if the F.C.C. and the ARRL could get these guys off the air.
Jim W7QEB’s principled opening post in “14.275” on 22 Jul ‘08
Jim W7QEB’s principled opening post in “14.275” on 22 Jul ‘08
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
I have listened while tuning through this frequency for years, it seems to be the RECTUM of the 20 meter ham band….Too bad the entire amateur community doesn't go to these frequencies [to] find out who the offenders are, and picket the offenders’ homes with bullhorns. The FCC has turned its head and has done ZIP over the years to put a stop to this garbage….So it's either do something ACTIVE or stop complaining forever.
Gary N2ACX cogent in “14.275” on 23 Jul ‘08
Gary N2ACX cogent in “14.275” on 23 Jul ‘08
Monday, August 4, 2008
Sunday, August 3, 2008
This is the first time I have posted on this subject... I am down in Arizona, and I have used a directional antenna to find the source of the interfering signals on 14.275. They are coming from the northeast, and from the east...That means that they aren't originating from British Columbia, which is north north west of my qth, but from the east coast / midwest or the southern states. Obviously a group of malcontents is breaking fcc regulations with impunity, and making life miserable for everybody. I suspect that the fcc itself is complicit in allowing these malcontents to violate regulations with impunity. I suspect that the fcc wants to eventually auction off the amateur radio frequencies to the highest bidder, so they are encouraging this type of behavior. They certainly know who the perpetrators are, and have known for a few years, and have refused to apply any sanctions to them. Doesn't this sound like the fcc is trying to create a motive to auction off the amateur frequencies? They aren't enforcing the rules on 75 meters either. I believe that the fcc wants enough people to get fed up with nonsense on the bands, and then they'll offer to shut them down. The big losers are going to be those of us who are well behaved and follow the rules and enjoy amateur radio. I think we have about ten years left. The way to stop this is to get the fellows who don't obey the rules on this side of the border to start following the rules.
Bill K3TP’s cogent “The problem is on this side of the border” in “14.275 MHz” on 26 Jul ‘08
Bill K3TP’s cogent “The problem is on this side of the border” in “14.275 MHz” on 26 Jul ‘08
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Friday, August 1, 2008
who is crow talking about?
number 252
wow you realy sound like the crap posted at as opposed anything from the ham
of course Id still like you to address why the same inocent till proven stan guilty standard applies to Mike and not to Karol
number 252
Hitler was a big fan of sterilization, eugenics, euthanasia, infanticide, racial extermination, extermination of homosexuals, the mentally impaired, and the physically defective, all principles ultimately embraced by the Nazis.
Tell me, who else does that sound like? Who rants constantly about sterilization, eugenics, euthanasia and the mentally defective, snipping off genitalia and performing lobotomies? If your answer is, "Karol does" you are correct.
He also employs the same principles regarding the dissemination of propaganda, lies, slander, libel, and he inflames others emotions with blatant falsehoods. What he lacks is reason, credibility, and wide spread appeal. He's attracted, maybe, 20 weak-minded followers, but the majority, obviously, see the man behind the curtain for who he is.
wow you realy sound like the crap posted at as opposed anything from the ham
of course Id still like you to address why the same inocent till proven stan guilty standard applies to Mike and not to Karol
number 252
Hitler was a big fan of sterilization, eugenics, euthanasia, infanticide, racial extermination, extermination of homosexuals, the mentally impaired, and the physically defective, all principles ultimately embraced by the Nazis.
Tell me, who else does that sound like? Who rants constantly about sterilization, eugenics, euthanasia and the mentally defective, snipping off genitalia and performing lobotomies? If your answer is, "Karol does" you are correct.
He also employs the same principles regarding the dissemination of propaganda, lies, slander, libel, and he inflames others emotions with blatant falsehoods. What he lacks is reason, credibility, and wide spread appeal. He's attracted, maybe, 20 weak-minded followers, but the majority, obviously, see the man behind the curtain for who he is.
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