Todd Daugherty [to Brian CROW K3VR SPAM’ing/posting anonymously] on his N9OGL’s BLOG 3 Jan ‘07
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
"Ham radio"????The Artist/Muse and I are laughing so hard there are tears coming from our eyes.I always wanted to know to what depths conservatives would go.Got our answer.Hey, do you have a cite for a dot-dash commie???Moron.
“robw” dressing Brian ‘The Moron CROW’ K3VR down in “Liberal Hypocrisy!” 1 Jan ‘07
“robw” dressing Brian ‘The Moron CROW’ K3VR down in “Liberal Hypocrisy!” 1 Jan ‘07
If any of it is true he sounds more like a current day conservative. Everything that is on that site points to this guy being a stand up Bushite variety of a republican. One question I might ask is if you don't like his radio show why do you listen so much? You seem to know an awful lot about him. What is *your* connection?
“Tea Todeler” taking “Willie” posting from press— to task in “Liberal Hypocrisy!” 31 Dec ‘06
“Tea Todeler” taking “Willie” posting from press— to task in “Liberal Hypocrisy!” 31 Dec ‘06
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Here is the PERFECT example of liberal hypocrisy.Karol Mandera [sic] is a shortwave "ham broadcaster" from Vancouver, BC. He IS a Bush-hating socialist in EVERY aspect of the word!…Please visit this website for unaltered and unedited spewing of one of the most hate-filled men of our time: And as a U.S. citizen whose grandparents emigrated from Canada, I am ashamed that this man calls himself "Radio Canada". [As a Canadian, I am ashamed to share the North American continent with US mental defectives.]His rantings are heard worldwide on shortwave "ham" radio on 14.275 MHz upper sideband.Thank you.Willie [Hyperbole anyone?]
“Willie” a.k.a. Brian ‘The Wanker CROW’ K3VR playing with his ‘Willie’ in “Liberal Hypocrisy!” on 31 Dec ‘06
“Willie” a.k.a. Brian ‘The Wanker CROW’ K3VR playing with his ‘Willie’ in “Liberal Hypocrisy!” on 31 Dec ‘06
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Brian, I have been to your VE7KFM website. How many of the tapes that YOU publish are true tapes? The tapes YOU say are true are washed and edited! If VE7KFM is that bad then why are not YOU (K3VR), W7CPA, W4NTI and others just as bad for BREAKING FEDERAL LAW! When YOU do no wrong you will be more than welcome to CAST THE FIRST STONE!
Whitney KA3TKZ in “Liar” on “Do I Win a British “Islamophobia Award”?” © Dr. Daniel PIPES 29 Nov ‘06
Whitney KA3TKZ in “Liar” on “Do I Win a British “Islamophobia Award”?” © Dr. Daniel PIPES 29 Nov ‘06
Submitted by Jean Lacroix (Japan) [ß Origin disclosed by Dr. PIPES after he realized that he had been ‘had’ by Brian!] Bonjour Daniel, [ß Brian’s typical fawning familiarity breeds contempt, Dr. PIPES. You shouldn’t allow it.]….Thank you for bringing light to the matière. [ß Brian: Le propre mot est “subjet”, imbécile….]..… All the best from France. [ß But, but… you sent it via a re-director from Japan…. What gives, Brian?]Jean Gilbert Lacroix [ß ‘Spoof’ on the then Commandant RMC, whence he got a serious rebuff on 17 Nov ’06 [ß NB]Paris [ß Paris, France—or was that Ontario—or Japan?]
Brian ‘Psycho Mimic’ CROW K3VR’s childish revenge on a General [!] in “Islamophobe” on 18 Nov ’06 [ß NB
Brian ‘Psycho Mimic’ CROW K3VR’s childish revenge on a General [!] in “Islamophobe” on 18 Nov ’06 [ß NB
Sunday, May 25, 2008
This Bond is another dreamy dish I'd like to wrap my arms around and snuggle with. His eyes make me feel all tingly and warm inside!! More, more, more! [Susannah, get tested for STD’s & HIV/Aids.]
Brian ‘The Closet Faggot CROW’ K3VR posting as “Karol Madera” on “Daniel Craig makes his 007 debut…” 18 Nov ‘06
Brian ‘The Closet Faggot CROW’ K3VR posting as “Karol Madera” on “Daniel Craig makes his 007 debut…” 18 Nov ‘06
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Started by Man - Last post by Man Where is the best place to make a complaint about discrimination and homophobia, etc? See for reference MAN [You’re ~there, Brian.]
Brian ‘The Faggot CROW’ K3VR posting as “MAN” [sic] on the bath-house door 24 Oct ’06
Brian ‘The Faggot CROW’ K3VR posting as “MAN” [sic] on the bath-house door 24 Oct ’06
Mr. ____ made it perfectly clear, to myself and others, that not only is he UNCONCERNED about Mr. Madera's… speech, he intends to do NOTHING about the aforementioned [sic]. He also told me he regards my concern as "of no interest" to him and a "put up job" whatever that means. [ß It means you’re a FRAUD, Brian.]
Brian CROW K3VR to mon cher ami, Maxime [a.k.a. Minister of Industry—who told him to mange la merde] <19 Oct ‘06
Brian CROW K3VR to mon cher ami, Maxime [a.k.a. Minister of Industry—who told him to mange la merde] <19 Oct ‘06
Friday, May 23, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Bogdan,The ve7 site doesn't belong to me. [LIAR!] I asked a lot [sic] of Polish folks if Karol represented Polish hams and you said no. A lot [sic] of people said no. About a hundred, maybe a few more than a hundred. [LIAR!]I forwarded your email to my distribution list of 319 people [LIAR!] and what happened next - who knows? [LIAR! Liar! Your latex pants are on fire, Brian!]It's on the ve7 website…. Send email to and ask them to take it off. Unlike Karol, I think they're fair people and they will do what you ask…. [LIAR!] I can understand why you don't want to be involved. I don't want to be involved either! [LIAR! For ample proof of which, simply read the rest of this page.]
Brian ‘The Fraudulent CROW’ K3VR disingenuously replying to Bogdan’s pitiful Polish plaint, above, 19 Oct ‘06
Brian ‘The Fraudulent CROW’ K3VR disingenuously replying to Bogdan’s pitiful Polish plaint, above, 19 Oct ‘06
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Brian,I answered you as a private person but you edited my opinion and posted on your website…
to use as a weapon against Karol Madera. [Remember the old Polish saying, Bogdan: “A Pole is too late smart.”]
You also posted the recordings of my QSO with KZ8O to show that Karol is interfering with our QSO. I did not hear any interference, and Mike did not report any. There was no interference! Unfair! You just pulled me in to that conflict to use against the other side….Brian, remove my statement and the recording from your website…. [Good Luck, Bogdan!]
Bogdan W4EEH’s pitiful pidgin-Polish plaint [translated by his son] after being “used” by Brian ‘Psycho’ K3VR 19 Oct ‘06
to use as a weapon against Karol Madera. [Remember the old Polish saying, Bogdan: “A Pole is too late smart.”]
You also posted the recordings of my QSO with KZ8O to show that Karol is interfering with our QSO. I did not hear any interference, and Mike did not report any. There was no interference! Unfair! You just pulled me in to that conflict to use against the other side….Brian, remove my statement and the recording from your website…. [Good Luck, Bogdan!]
Bogdan W4EEH’s pitiful pidgin-Polish plaint [translated by his son] after being “used” by Brian ‘Psycho’ K3VR 19 Oct ‘06
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Jerry [VE3IKJ],I have spoken to all Americans who use 14.275 on 20 meters. [sic] [ß Brian obviously is a patent LIAR!]VE7KFM, N9VTB, and VE2ZAQ are NOT welcome because they promote hatred. [ß Must be, since Brian says so!]All other Polish people are welcome as friends at all times! [ß Yeah, right! Listen to Mad Mikee’s “Pollack” slurs!]Any Canadian citizen interested in stopping Karol Madera's hate propaganda should file a complaint with RCMP. [ß Any wonder that they’re shooting Americans around the World?]
Secret, ‘behind the scenes’ e-mail from Brian K3VR to Jerry VE3IKJ—and 20 other Poles—10 Oct ‘06
Secret, ‘behind the scenes’ e-mail from Brian K3VR to Jerry VE3IKJ—and 20 other Poles—10 Oct ‘06
Saturday, May 17, 2008
It proves my point that you, Brian Crow, and all the other morons have a personal vendetta against people who don't see their [point of] view. Hell, Brian proved it on QRZ when he attacked me. What this shows and I HOPE the FCC is watching, is how vindictive these people are, and that their petition to deny K1MAN license be DENIED, on the grounds that they not only have a personal grudge against K1MAN, but [also] those who question the system. I'm going to write the FCC and have them DENY that petition and show evidence that these people are using a Federal funding agency to remove a person they don't like and … are in the process of doing the same-thing to those who either side with K1MAN or question the clarity of the rules and the final order. I'm also going to write members of the House and Senate subcommittee on telecommunication and present the same information and that these amateur operators are using a taxpayers’ funded agency for their own personal grudges and for personal vendettas. So go tell your Buddy Crow [K3VR]… they REALLY FUCKED with the wrong person when they started attacking me.
Todd N9OGL in “New from the Voice of Amateur Radio” on 3 Apr ‘06
Todd N9OGL in “New from the Voice of Amateur Radio” on 3 Apr ‘06
BRIAN CROW K3VR today on QRZ proved N9OGL’s point after N9OGL stated that the K1MAN ISSUE is a personal vendetta and anyone who disagreed with it are "supporters" of K1MAN. I wonder if the FCC knows that THESE ham radio operators are using them as a tool for a personal vendetta. Let's get fucking something straight here, I agree with a few things that Glenn says, but I also believe what I believe and FYI Brian, as for me and the fucking FCC I have the fucking right to criticize them, so fuck you and your fuck little group. [Bravo, Todd!]
Todd Daugherty in “BRIAN CROW K3VR HAS PROVEN N9OGL POINT” on N9OGL’s BLOG 31 Mar ‘06
Todd Daugherty in “BRIAN CROW K3VR HAS PROVEN N9OGL POINT” on N9OGL’s BLOG 31 Mar ‘06
Friday, May 16, 2008
I am so sick of the BS on 14275 and 14313... it's time for me to do something for this hobby... the wrong hornet's nest has been stirred! A few hams seem to think they own the frequency and have abused it for years... some have already been warned by the FCC but continue to make a mockery of our hobby. It is time for Riley to be flooded with honest reports of who is abusing the rules and regulations of amateur radio. Please start a log of call signs, dates, times, and if you have the capability, record the jamming, harassment, qso's, etc. Please forward your information to me and more importantly, Riley Hollingsworth at the FCC. Enough is enough... let's get rid of the Lids that just don't seem to get it. The Lids that give us all a black eye have to go! If Riley receives enough "honest" information... no need to make anything up, these guys fuck up on a regular basis... something will be done! [Jon’s ‘Finest Hour’/Epiphany: “honest reports”… “no need to make anything up”…. Wow!]
Jon K1TP pissed off/seeing the light, after threats by Brian ‘Psycho’ CROW K3VR & Co., on As The World Turns 18 Feb ‘06
Jon K1TP pissed off/seeing the light, after threats by Brian ‘Psycho’ CROW K3VR & Co., on As The World Turns 18 Feb ‘06
Re Gary Barbour’s amateur-radio-operator story: I have the FCC statement being sent tomorrow. The suggestion that "many Americans are discussing boycotting Canadian goods, etc." is ludicrous in the extreme. [“Dickhead” Riley & Psycho Brian playing “ludicrous” games in the Gettysburg bath-house, behind-the-scenes, again.]
Peter WARREN replying to Brian CROW K3VR further to Gary [a.k.a. Ken] VA4KGB fool’s errand on his behalf 16 Jul ‘06
Peter WARREN replying to Brian CROW K3VR further to Gary [a.k.a. Ken] VA4KGB fool’s errand on his behalf 16 Jul ‘06
Thursday, May 15, 2008
It was hinted that I play favorites posting email, etc... please! I don't post stuff about hams family members that have nothing to do with ham radio...especially 14275/313.... I could write a fricken book on that cast that wouldn't play pretty.... I just try to post a sampling of what people are saying and thinking on current issues.... It's not my purpose to run people into the ground! Life is too short to be a complete prick. I'll leave that to a higher power than me.... [Jon actually means Brian, the American amateur ‘Psycho’: he’s patently a “compleat” prick.]
Jon K1TP turning down Brian CROW K3VR’s obscene post about my 80 year-old Mother, on As The World Turns 9 Feb ‘06
Jon K1TP turning down Brian CROW K3VR’s obscene post about my 80 year-old Mother, on As The World Turns 9 Feb ‘06
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
In keeping with the Flame War theme of this post….Maybe we can have a contest and try to find which character fits which persona on the list. Oh and to keep it relevant, didn’t every Medieval Court have its jester? Enjoy. Brian
Brian ‘Joker DeCROW’ K3VR playing with personae & engaging in ‘Flame Wars’ on 11 Feb ‘01
Brian ‘Joker DeCROW’ K3VR playing with personae & engaging in ‘Flame Wars’ on 11 Feb ‘01
Monday, May 12, 2008
Jon- ’m not sure who the bigger asshole is anymore, Glen or K3VR. Remind me when I don’t have a life to “play” radio too. I’m still trying to figure out how K3VR… got a grant from PA to fight terrorism when no such grant exists! (My brother-in-law works for a state senator in Harrisburg.) I hope that an emergency needs to use that frequency and all the qrm from all the bullshit parties creates a problem. Maybe then they will all grow up....
“Mike R. ....4 Lander, ex 2 lander” on Jon K1TP’s As The World Turns 8 Feb ‘06
“Mike R. ....4 Lander, ex 2 lander” on Jon K1TP’s As The World Turns 8 Feb ‘06
He is certainly "CONSUMED" with Glenn. I like his little note about 3 kc.......he sure as hell didn't abide by that with the Kalamazoo Cukoo ND8V in their qso's while Glenn was transmitting. Just like a little kid. He could use some psychiatric help himself.
“Les” on Jon K1TP’s As The World Turns 8 Feb ‘06
“Les” on Jon K1TP’s As The World Turns 8 Feb ‘06
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Dear Glenn, I understand you plan to air your "bulletin" again on a random basis, plus or minus QRM. That's great. I want to let you know that my station, K3VR, is now in experimental beacon mode, and will remain so, twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week, for the next several weeks (at least) on 14.275 mHz, USB. I hope I can trust you to operate a minimum of 3 kHz above or below my experimental beacon which will remain on 14.275 mHz for the forseeable [sic] future. Interference to the beacon would tend to skew research results and would also be a disservice to those interested in the project. Thanks for your cooperation. [Emphasis was in the original.]
Brian CROW K3VR to Glenn K1MAN on Jon K1TP’s [no friend of mine] As The World Turns website ~6 Feb ‘06
Brian CROW K3VR to Glenn K1MAN on Jon K1TP’s [no friend of mine] As The World Turns website ~6 Feb ‘06
CAUTION: Anything about Glenn K1MAN [as well as his "supposed supporters"] overtly but especially covertly authored by Brian K3VR can--and on the evidence here on eHAM alone clearly has been--damaging to the mental and emotional health of American radio amateurs.... Not every enemy of one's enemy is one's friend.... Not every friend of one's enemy is one's enemy.... Brian is 'waaay too tightly wound' around the K1MAN axle....
Karol VE7KFM prescient post [subsequently removed] in “Hap Holly on K1MAN” on 18 Jan ‘06
Karol VE7KFM prescient post [subsequently removed] in “Hap Holly on K1MAN” on 18 Jan ‘06
Friday, May 9, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
K3VR has a very high opinion of himself…. His greatest priority is seeing his name in print…. He thinks he's God's gift to amateur radio…. I have NEVER heard ANYTHING positive from VR…. His tactics are jump on the nearest bandwagon and try to drag someone else down…. Maybe we should get a petition to revoke K3VR's license…. Have you ANYTHING positive to say about ANYONE, Brian, or you just like to see your name in print?
Jim KE4TEW in Brian K3VR’s “Petition to Deny KIMAN’s License” on eHAM <27 Jul ’05
Jim KE4TEW in Brian K3VR’s “Petition to Deny KIMAN’s License” on eHAM <27 Jul ’05
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
FELLOW AMERICANS I found the recent comments written by PUBLISHER illuminating and those supposedly written by a VE9PMI virtually immediately afterwards, scandalous. Since the style used by VE9PMI was very similar to that used in the equally scandalous comment by OFFICIALOBSERVER (since removed) and was on the same off-topic subject [hint, hint], I decided to check the Canadian call-sign database for VE9PMI. Surprise, surprise, to use Karol's well-worn-expression, the call-sign does not exist! No worries, I then tried our trusty old and surprise, surprise again, the call-sign still does not appear to exist!! So, I checked the VE9PMI attributes on eHam and found the name Joe McGuire. Using McGuire, I searched the Canadian call-sign database again using the name feature. Surprise, surprise again, there is no such name/call-sign!!! Fellow Americans, govern yourselves accordingly and consider lending a hand to get rid of this scum and their 'protector' before it completely discredits us in the wider world. 73 George Zardecki 4845 N Moody Chicago IL 60630
Geo. exposing Brian CROW K3VR—posting as VE9PMI—as a FRAUD, in “The Life of Riley” on 14 Oct ‘03
Geo. exposing Brian CROW K3VR—posting as VE9PMI—as a FRAUD, in “The Life of Riley” on 14 Oct ‘03
Monday, May 5, 2008
As I mentioned in the post prior to the one above... I_gave_up_ham_radio. I guess that's why my old call doesn't show up in the database anymore. Let me write it again so even the dumbest polak can understand it. I_gave_up_ham_radio. I do like to listen though. I mostly gave it up due to horses asses like George and Karol. I understand they are both Polish, but to me that's still no excuse for the incredible display of stupidity I've seen displayed here and heard on the air. [Assuming, for the sake of argument: Is “stupidity” illegal?]One of the members of the group on 14.275 was good enough to send me an audio file with the VE7 station saying "America Deserved 9/11!" It was particularly disgusting to hear it repeated on tape. [ß OK Lying Bastard(s) Brian/Joe: Lets hear the tape!!!]I still say he ought to be horse whipped! Joe McGuire 67 Central Ave Grand Bay, Westfield NB E5K 2N1 Canada [Then the entire “The Life of Riley” thread went ‘POOF’….]
Brian K3VR trying to cover up/continuing with his FRAUD posting as VE9PMI in “The Life of Riley” on 14 Oct ‘03
Brian K3VR trying to cover up/continuing with his FRAUD posting as VE9PMI in “The Life of Riley” on 14 Oct ‘03
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I am the Publisher of Homesellers catalogue, the FSBO magazine referred to in a comment (since removed) posted by OFFICIALOBSERVER. I only have two observations to make on that scandalous post. Whilst OFFICIALOBSERVER on the one hand took advantage of the anonymity afforded him by this site--which arrangement I seriously question--he on the other hand flagrantly disobeyed all bounds of decency and protocol by attempting to reveal personal details, such as a private telephone number of his target. This obviously was not inadvertent, but rather a naked attempt at intimidation. The second point is even more basic than that and relates to the fundamental right of the accused to know the identity of and face their accuser, especially in light of such blatant and outrageous lies as those perpetrated in the post by OFFICIALOBSERVER. Why do I aver so strongly that OFFICIALOBSERVER is a liar? Primarily because I know how to read Standard English. Secondarily, because I knew my columnist (now dead) who was so scurrilously written about in the original article. Because I also know how "brave" the columnist now doing this scurrilous writing was when my columnist was still alive. And finally, because I know well my other former columnist, the self-same Karol VE7KFM herein.
PUBLISHER in “The Life of Riley” on 14 Oct ‘03
PUBLISHER in “The Life of Riley” on 14 Oct ‘03
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Should have mentioned in the previous thread, I gave up ham radio due to the bickering and backstabbing of some hams. A hobby should be enjoyable! [ß Yeah, right! See also “Ruining the Hobby for me…”, below and related.]
Brian FRAUDulently then posting as VE9PMI in “The Life of Riley” on 14 Oct ‘03
Brian FRAUDulently then posting as VE9PMI in “The Life of Riley” on 14 Oct ‘03
Dear Reader, Does ND8V occasionally lose it on the air? Yep. Is he likely to grace the cover of QST as 2003's most courteous operator? Nope. Does that mean VE7KFM's whiny tale of woe and QRM is true? Not at all. [ß non sequiturs…]Karol (VE7KFM) Madera's phone number is [deleted], in case you'd like to call him about the libelous and defamatory article he posted here…. [Note ‘Psycho’s chacteristic populist MO and STALKING (the number refers).]
Brian ‘The FRAUDulent CROW’ K3VR masquerading as OFFICIALOBSERVER [!] in “The Life of Riley” on 4 Oct ‘03
Brian ‘The FRAUDulent CROW’ K3VR masquerading as OFFICIALOBSERVER [!] in “The Life of Riley” on 4 Oct ‘03
I received an e-mail from a "3" station [K3VR] nearby that frequents .275. I was told that I shouldn't talk with a certain VK [actually VE7KFM] station because they were affiliated with K1MAN. Like I gave a crap about their childish run-ins. Then the "3" station indicated that they were having "high level" meetings about this with Riley, but I shouldn't be concerned. I basically wrote it off to "Kiss my a$$" and I'll communicate with any legal amateur in the world. Meanwhile I find one of the .275 gang later operating in the extra portion of 20 meters with general privileges......They need a life!
Greg N3MVF in “The Life of Riley” on 27 Sep ‘03
Greg N3MVF in “The Life of Riley” on 27 Sep ‘03
What a show this morning on 14275! Just like the old BARF days on 14313! K3VR with his shitty audio so bassy it sounded like he was inside a drum, claiming to have an inside track with the FCC….
Lloyd N0VFP in “14275 Three Morons” on 4 Jan ’03 [“inside” = at the Gettysburg bath-house]
Lloyd N0VFP in “14275 Three Morons” on 4 Jan ’03 [“inside” = at the Gettysburg bath-house]
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Crow or Dan lack a sense of humour
well the blog author has certain gottne things off to a bang with death for even contributing to these blogs
remmebr K3VR is and remains my cheif suspect as "Dloyd Lavies" and there for e maikgn an offer of child sex for money as some sort of sick joke most likely
remmebr K3VR is and remains my cheif suspect as "Dloyd Lavies" and there for e maikgn an offer of child sex for money as some sort of sick joke most likely
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